Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1849 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1849 Photos

Charlie's Great-Granduncle

George Griggs , when he was approximately 23 years old.
On 2005 Sept 9, the above daguerreotype of George was auctioned on eBay for US$1185. This photo and ones of several other historical items (below) were included. The description provided by the seller was: "Daguerreotype. Ninth plate oval in a velvet case. It has it's original seal. There is a piece of paper with it that says 'George Griggs of Sutton, Mass. One of the founders of Sacramento City, Calif. -1849.' On the back of the paper it says 'Some of his letters in Yale's Western Americana Griggs (and I can't make out the rest).' I found him listed in the 1853-1854 Sacramento Directory on page 32. It says 'Griggs George, of Barr, Griggs & Coursen, 51 K; Massachusetts.' That would be # 51 K Street in Sacramento, and that he was originally from Massachusetts. Doing some further research I found an ad for his business which I have also scanned. The ad does say it's an old firm and the business had an office in San Francisco. More research would need to be done to nail him as being in Sacramento in 1849. Nice unusual historical item."
George Griggs daguerreotype , outside.
George Griggs daguerreotype , piece of paper included.
George Griggs daguerreotype , back of piece of paper.
George Griggs , named in the ad for his business mentioned above.
George Griggs , listed in the 1853-1854 Sacramento Directory, page 32.
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