Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1950 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1950 Photos


Age 16 days
Age 7 months, 10 days - in the director's seat

Will's family photos

Rob, Marilyn & Steve - taken by Hagan Studios

Van G- family photos

Dr. George & Nurse Helen. "Helen was a daughter of pioneer missionaries to China, Rosalind & Jonathan Goforth, and lived in China 25 years. She was born in Toronto and later went to nursing school there, returning to China (Peking), as an R.N. Following his training at Harvard Medical School, George went to China on a Rockefeller Foundation grant (inspired by Sir Wilfrid Grenfell, the British M.D. who served the medically deprived communities in Labrador and Newfoundland). He served from 1920 to 1930 as head of the Dept. of Orthopedics (Peking Union Medical College)."
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