Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1973 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1973 Photos

Visit to Paris & UK, January

Charlie & Claude at Sacre-Coeur
Claude & Will at Sacre-Coeur
Will in Brighton

Vancouver, February

Charlie on the Arbutus Corridor railway tracks
Will in Shaugnessy
Rx, Charlie & Reynard at 8th & Burrard
Will, Rx & Reynard at 8th & Burrard
Will, Charlie & Reynard at 8th & Burrard
Will contemplating the friendly welcome on Vancouver Island
Will reacting to the friendly welcome
Will on the road to Tofino

Family get together in Berkeley, California

Craig, David, Tom in front of Joe Sr., Christy in front of Sylvia, Tamara in front of Alice
Marian, Carole, Bola & Andrea (in wig)
Andrea, Bola & Tom
Rowland, Joe Sr. & Marian
Marian, Becca & Rowland
Bonnie, Jenny, John, Betsy, Heather, Cindy, Don, Katie & Mark at Thanksgiving

Iestyn & Beryl's visit to Toronto

Beryl & Iestyn
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