Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1974 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1974 Photos

British Columbia

Charlie negotiating the snow the safe way - on snowshoes
Charlie the "mountaineer"
Charlie - on the way up Cypress
Charlie leading the others up the mountain
Greg, Linda & Charlie grouped together for support
?, Hendrikus, Yoka, Greg, Linda & Charlie lunching with the Whiskey Jacks
Will at the Deer Lake Festival, Burnaby
Beryl in a glamorous pose
Peter Horne & Charlie - conferring over the M82 prototype


Odette & Pierre, Summer in Juvisy


Jo, Beryl & Dodo, Summer in Surbiton
Will & Beryl in Surbiton
Will & Iestyn in Surbiton
Will at lunch
Ruth, Jenny, Charlie & Alice in Peeblesshire, Scotland

Stratford, Ontario

Randy & the S88 at the Third Stage - note his delicate gesture
Charlie & the S88 at the Third Stage - more circumspect
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