Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1976 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1976 Photos

British Columbia

Jeff, Debbie, Joanne, Charlie, Ann & Will skiing on Lost Lake
Will - and the skis... on Lost Lake
Charlie, skating - not speed skating...
Will - lookin' at ya with the scope at the Maritime Museum
Will & Sally, in Vancouver
Will in Vancouver
Sheena McGoogan's painting of Will in the flowered hat
Will at Bloedel Conservatory when the fountains still worked
Beryl & Charlie in the snow on Mount Seymour
Charlie Sr., Sally & Beryl in Vancouver
Will, Sally & Charlie Sr. in Vancouver
David - checking out the first big snowfall in front of his house
?, Ann, ? & Charlie - Boxing Day party at the Goddards
Sam, Charlie & Dave - clowning around
David & Luke - by the fireplace
Steve & Dave - meditating
Ann, Bentz, Sam, Will, Michaela & Luke
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