Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1977 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1977 Photos

British Columbia

Charlie on Hollyburn Ridge
Dave & Charlie on Hollyburn
Charlie protecting the delicate alpine wildflowers
Mike & Arline with a Whiskeyjack perched on Arline's hand
Mike, Charlie & Arline hiking in the alpine meadows of Manning Park
?, Sheila & David - Christmas party at Goddard's
Will (pregnant with Théa), Michaela & Charlie - Christmas party
Charlie - Christmas party

NAB, Las Vegas

Charlie & R2D2
Charlie & South American customer

San Diego Zoo

Charlie & equally hairy friend
Charlie under the waterfall

Will in Spain and UK

Sam & Bentz in Ibiza
Sam in Ibiza


Charlie, Will, Sally & Charlie Sr. at Bette's
Charlie, Will, Sally & Charlie Sr. at Bette's
Bette, Sally & Charlie at the Mexican restaurant in Monterey
Charlie in front of Candy & Patty's cabin on the Shasta River near Yreka
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