Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1979 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1979 Photos

Vancouver, March

Théa & Charlie - in the playground
Théa & Will - on a hike in the woods
Théa & Rob - during Rob's visit from Washington, DC
Théa & Rob - during Rob's visit from Washington, DC

Trip to the Lake District, UK, June

Charlie & Théa - climbing the fells
Charlie & Théa reading the map in the fells
Théa, Charlie & the dog - making a new friend
Beryl & Will - in Seatoller
Iestyn in front of the miners' houses, Seatoller
Iestyn, Will & Beryl overlooking Seatoller
Théa & Will in the fells above Seatoller
Will & Théa in the fells above Seatoller
Théa in Buttermere
Will, Charlie & Théa, Buttermere
Théa in Buttermere
Iestyn, Will & Charlie, Buttermere
Iestyn, Charlie & Théa, Buttermere
Charlie & Théa, Buttermere
Théa in Buttermere
Charlie, Will & Théa, at Warwick Castle
Will, Théa & Beryl - Warwick Castle
Will, "Please Keep off the Grass" & Théa, Warwick Castle
Théa, Will & Charlie, Warwick Castle
Will in front of Warwick Castle
Will in the massive gardens of Warwick Castle
Beryl, Théa & Iestyn relaxing on the castle grounds
Théa on the castle lawn
Théa inspecting the daisies
Théa & Will ambling as only a 16 month old can ...
Will & Théa in front of the castle
Iestyn & Charlie in Stratford-on-Avon

UK, June

Théa - cleaning up!
Théa - playing in the garden
Théa & the ducks - in Claremont, Surrey
Iestyn & Théa - sliding at Chessington Zoo
Iestyn, Théa & Will coming down the slide
Théa & Iestyn - wheelin'
Théa & Iestyn - feedin'
Iestyn, Will & Beryl - trenchermen
Théa & Will - playin'
Victoria, Hilary & Johanna in Bristol

Steve & Carole's trip to Vancouver, July

Théa climbing the stairs just after we got back....
Will, Théa & Steve on the Sea to Sky Highway
Will, Théa & Carole on the Sea to Sky
Steve & Will at UBC
Théa in the big brown chair on 27th Avenue
Théa riding her famous elephant in the garden
Carole, Steve, Théa & Will in front of the house
Théa & the mother cat from next door (mother of Carrots)

Visit to California, October

Will, Sally & Théa on the swing in Claremont
Sally & Théa on the swing in Claremont
Charlie, Sally & Théa in the pushchair, Claremont
Théa, Sally & Daniel in Claremont
Daniel & Théa in Claremont
Daniel & Théa in Claremont
Daniel & Théa in Claremont
Jack & Dorothy at Nelsons - trip to Maui & Kauai
Théa, Will & Charlie at Bette's in Monterey
Will & Charlie (with wig) at Bette's
Théa & Charlie in Pacific Grove
Théa & Charlie in Pacific Grove
Charlie, Théa & Sally on Carmel Beach
Théa & Sally on Carmel Beach
Théa, Charlie & Sally on Carmel Beach
Charlie, Théa & Will on Carmel Beach
Théa & Sally in Dennis the Menace Park, Monterey
Théa & Sally in Monterey
Théa in Tilden Park, Berkeley
Tom & Théa in Tilden Park, Berkeley

Christmas in Vancouver

Charlie & Théa - Christmas day
The Shopping Cart, Théa & Will on the swing
Charlie, The Shopping Cart & Théa - heading out!
Théa, Frances & Cleo
Charlie - saying it with cut flowers
Michaela - Monitor of the Day
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