Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1980 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1980 Photos

Family photos, Vancouver

Théa & Charlie on the beach at Jericho in the winter
Théa & Charlie on the beach at Jericho in the winter
Will & Théa sledding
Théa & the mother cat in the garden at springtime
Théa peering out from the train in Stanley Park
Théa & the goat at the Stanley Park petting zoo
Théa with her 'crown,' in the play pen
Théa in the play pen
Théa - photo entered in photo contest
Théa - at the climbing frame in the playground
Will, Théa & Sally in the back yard
Will weeding the garden
Théa - on a running hike in the woods
Charlie making a fool of himself on the beach
Théa on the beach
Will & Théa at the beach
Charlie & Théa on Hollyburn Ridge
Sarah, Charlie, Théa & the goats at Maplewood Farm
The Llama & Charlie on the farm
Théa, Will & Santa - not too sure about this guy
Gene - not too sure about this guy, either

Victoria Day Camping

Théa & Will at a waterfall near Whistler
Théa & Will at the waterfall
Théa & Will at the waterfall
Will & Théa camping
Théa & Will gathering wood at the campsite
Charlie & Théa hiking in the snow
Charlie & Théa hiking up the logging road

Beryl & Iestyn's visit to Vancouver, June/July

Beryl & Théa - at the False Creek Festival
Théa & Will - at the False Creek Festival
Théa & Charlie - at the False Creek Festival
Théa - at the False Creek Festival
Will & Théa - at the False Creek Festival
Iestyn & Théa - trying to keep up
Théa & Will - on the new upper back deck
Will & Théa - on the new upper back deck
Beryl & Iestyn - on the new upper back deck
Will, Iestyn, Théa & Charlie - at the Ladysmith logging museum, Vancouver Island

Weekend on Galiano Island

Roger, ? & Charlie on the beach
? & Charlie relaxing on the deck
Charlie, Théa, Ann & ? on the pier
?, Ann, Charlie & Théa on the pier
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