Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1981 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1981 Photos

Trip to Calgary, Spring

Charlie & Théa in a playground in a campsite
Will & Théa and a dinosaur at the Calgary Zoo
Théa at the Calgary Zoo
Théa in the Rockies
Charlie and the call of the Rockies
Théa & Charlie in the Rockies
Will & Théa in the Rockies
Will & Théa at Château Lake Louise
Théa at the campsite

Trip to Washington, June

Théa & Ben at the bottom of the hill near Anabel & Grey's place in Seattle
Théa & Ben at the bottom of the hill, by Lake Washington
Théa, Will & Anabel by the marina on Lake Washington
Grey, Alice & Théa on the park bench
Théa & Will in Liberty, Washington under this humorous sign
Théa & Will in Liberty, Washington by the grain wheel


Théa & Charlie by English Bay
Théa & Will by English Bay
Théa by the plum tree in the back garden
Sally in the back garden
Théa doing 'gymnastics' in the back garden
Théa & Sally playing in the back garden
Théa & Sally playing in the back garden
Will, Théa & Sally by the pond in the back garden
Will, Théa & Sally by the pond in the back garden
Will & Théa at the Fort Langley museum
Théa - "Daddies are a girl's best friend"
Charlie - taken by Théa
Théa & Charlie trying to set the camera up to take a timed picture
Théa & Charlie - the self-timed picture
Théa dancing in the front garden
Charlie - taken by Théa
Sally, Théa & Charlie by the pond in the back garden
Sally, Théa & Charlie by the pond in the back garden
Cadi, Roger, Théa fishing at False Creek
Will, Cadi & Théa and a camel at the wild animal park
Théa & Will at the wild animal park
Théa & Will taking pictures at the wild animal park
Cadi & Théa picking the daisies at the wild animal park
Théa and the zebras at the wild animal park
Théa and a llama at the wild animal park
Théa and the llama
Cadi & Théa and an elephant at the wild animal park
Théa watching the 'big girls' feed the elephant
Théa & Cadi - best buds!
Théa and a miniature shetland pony at the wild animal park
Cadi & Théa feeding the pony
Will, Cadi & Théa and a hippo at the wild animal park
Cadi & Théa at the wild animal park
Will & Théa on the upper deck with downtown Vancouver and the mountains behind
Théa & Charlie reading together on the upper deck
Marian & Charlie enjoying the feast
Becky, Théa & friends at daycare
Théa - making a run for it at Heritage Village
Théa, Charlie & Sally - at the petting farm in Queen's Park, New Westminster
Tranh & Théa and baby
Théa & Tranh on the tricycle
Will & Sally in Heritage Village
Charlie & Théa in Heritage Village
Théa & Will snacking and calling into 'echo valley' on the way up Stawamus Chief
Théa & Will listening to the echo from the valley
Théa & Will resting on the way up Stawamus Chief
Will & Théa overlooking Howe Sound and the Highway from the Chief
Will & Théa overlooking Howe Sound and the Highway from the Chief
Will & Charlie on the Chief - taken by Théa
Théa & friend going down the 'banana slide' at Heritage Village
Charlie & Théa on the balance beam in the park in New Westminster
Théa & Charlie in the park in New Westminster
Théa & Charlie on the back porch

Will & Théa's visit to eastern Canada, September

Théa, Will, Darlene & Roger and their boat in Muskoka
Théa & Will in the boat in Muskoka
Beryl at the marina in Muskoka
Théa & Roger at the marina in Muskoka
Roger, Dodo, Beryl, Will & Théa in the new cabin in Muskoka
Susan, Théa & Andrew at the zoo
Will & Théa in Toronto
Théa - chillin' in Toronto
Théa - asleep in Toronto
Théa - happy in Toronto
Théa - playing in Toronto
Théa - and the exercise bike in Toronto
Théa in Ottawa
Beryl & Théa in Dodo's garden in Toronto
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