Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1990 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1990 Photos

Family photos, Vancouver

Gareth playing with his castles
Gareth & friends at his birthday party
Théa & Gareth swinging in the back yard cherry tree
Gareth & Théa swinging in the back yard cherry tree
Gareth in the big back yard cherry tree
Gareth in the cherry tree
Emily & Théa dancing
Patty, Chris, Tony, Gareth, Will, Marissa & Théa picnicing
Patty & Tony picnicing
Chris, Théa & Gareth by the water at the campsite
Gareth, Ann & Richard by the water on Vancouver Island
Patty, Chris, Tony & Marissa heading off to San Diego
Théa & Gareth on lie-lows in the new pool
Gareth, Toby, Théa & Charlie on the Garibaldi Lake trail
Charlie, Gareth & Théa picnicing by Garibaldi Lake
Gareth - in war paint and ready for battle
Will & Gareth - group Jaguars soccer team photo
Théa - individual school photo
Gareth - individual school photo
Gareth - individual soccer photo
Gareth - science fair project at Lord Kitchener school (comment by Théa)

Visit to Orlando, April

Parrot & Gareth - at Disney World
Théa & Gareth - at Disney World
Théa & Gareth - at Disney World
Gareth & the goat - at Disney World
Gareth & Théa - at Kennedy Space Centre
Gareth - ready to take off at the Space Centre
Théa - "One small step..... "
Bill & Dawn in the pool
Dawn & Charlie in the pool
Charlie & Dawn in the pool
Charlie, Amiga & David at Creative Entertainment
Théa, Gareth & Charlie with Mickey
Gareth & Théa in Toontown
Gareth, Will & Théa with Neptune
Théa & Gareth in the condo pool
Théa & Gareth in the condo pool
Gareth by his first Probe at the condo
Gareth, Charlie & Will by the condo
Charlie looking at the MGM Studio tour streetscape

Jill's boat in Coal Harbour, July

Charlie & Spark with Gareth rowing the dinghy
Jill & Nan in the cockpit
Jill, Will & Nan

Iestyn & Beryl's visit to BC, July

Théa & Will at Jericho Park
Will & Iestyn in typical positions
Toby the dachshund
Will, Iestyn, Gareth, Théa & Charlie at Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Iestyn, Gareth, & Charlie at Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Iestyn & Gareth at Reifel Bird Sanctuary
Gareth & Iestyn reading together
Charlie and the 27th Avenue house
Will & Toby on the porch
Iestyn & Gareth on Granville Island
Gareth & Théa at Allison Lake, BC
Beryl, Will & Théa at Allison Lake
Gareth & Iestyn - male bonding
Gareth, Toby & Will - a mishap crossing the 'rapids'
Gareth & Iestyn at the SECWEPEMC Museum, Kamloops, BC
Charlie, Toby, the flagwoman (going to study criminology), Will & Beryl in a roadwork delay
Will, Théa and friend at a ghost town near Golden, BC
Théa, Iestyn & Beryl - at the ghost town
Iestyn, Gareth, Théa, Charlie & Will on the hike to Grassi Lakes, Canmore, Alberta
Beryl at Grassi Lakes
Will & Iestyn at Grassi Lakes
Beryl, Théa, Iestyn & Gareth - on the Grassi Lakes trail
Will, Beryl & Théa - on the trail
Beryl & Iestyn - on the trail
Iestyn, Beryl, Gareth, Charlie & Théa - taking a break and messing around
Gareth & Théa at the motel's wishing well, Deadman's Flats, Alberta
Gareth, Théa, gnome & mermaid at the motel's wishing well
Toby, Will, Iestyn, Gareth, Théa & Charlie at Lake Louise, Alberta
Will & Beryl at Lake Louise
Gareth, Will & Charlie in Banff National Park
Beryl, Toby, Gareth & Will - lunch break heading to Jasper, Alberta
Iestyn & Beryl and the Banff Ice Fields
Will, Iestyn & Gareth at the Ice Fields
Iestyn, Beryl, Toby, Will, Charlie & Théa at the Ice Fields
Gareth, Will, Iestyn & Beryl at the Ice Fields
Will & Théa with Mount Robson in the background
Gareth & Théa splashing in the stream with Mount Robson behind
Gareth splashing in the stream
Théa & Gareth on the brass moose
Beryl wading in Allison Lake
Gareth & Iestyn - ouch!
Beryl, Charlie & Iestyn relaxing in the front room
Beryl, Charlie & Iestyn relaxing in the front room
Beryl & Iestyn having tea on the back porch
Théa & Charlie - a beautiful day on Blackcomb Mountain
Théa, Gareth & Beryl - heading home
Gareth, Iestyn & Théa - packed and leaving

Visit to California

Charlie, boy with sailboat, Gareth, Théa & Will
Théa, Will, Gareth & Charlie by the seashore
Théa & Gareth at Sally Young's
Gareth, Théa, Charlie & Sally in the Charlie Richmond Room of the Monterey Maritime Museum
Gareth, Théa, Charlie & Sally in the Monterey Maritime Museum
Charlie, Toby, Théa & Gareth looking at the sea lions on the Coast Guard pier in Monterey
Gareth & the black kitty - inviting her to visit
The black kitty & Gareth - visiting the camp in the back seat
Carole, Don, Tom, Will, Betsy, Théa, Gareth, Andrea, ?, Martie & Austin - Christmas in Berkeley with crackers from Vancouver!
Austin, Betsy, Martie & Charlie - Christmas at Don & Betsy's
Carole, Betsy, Don, Martie, Charlie, Will & Austin - Christmas in Berkeley
Candy, Joyce, Théa, Gareth & Will in Weed
Théa & Gareth at Candy & Joyce's paddock
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