Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 1997 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 1997 Photos

Will's trip to New Orleans

Rob by a riverboat on the waterfront

Family photos, Vancouver

Jill, Mike, Gareth & Will in the garden, May
Jill, Mike, Gareth & Will in the garden, May
Charlie at the helm, July
Will cooking up a storm and none too happy about it
Gareth playing games on the Amiga
Will & Théa serving up some good looking lasagna
Mike & Arline's vase and Théa & Gareth's hand painted teapot
Théa & Will heading off at the airport
Théa heading off at the airport
Will resting during a hike up Lynn Canyon
Sean, James, Anne, Richard & Christopher by the headwaters up Lynn Canyon
Sean, Anne, Christopher & Richard having fish & chips in Steveston
Will, Sean & Nathaniel having fish & chips in Steveston
Christopher & Nathaniel playing in the cool playground in Steveston
Charlie playing in the cool playground in Steveston
Charlie going bananas in the cool playground in Steveston
Charlie after completely blown his fuse in the cool playground
John & Ginger on a quick visit to Vancouver
Will & Nathaniel reading 'Wiggle to the Laundromat'
Will & Nathaniel romping on the sofa
Gareth still cooking up a storm - his fave pasttime
Gareth waiting for Théa at customs, September
Théa in a totally Halloween mood
Théa in a totally Halloween mood

Théa's trip to Europe

Théa at Piccadilly Circus, 'Being a Tourist,' April 19
Théa at the beach in San Sébastian, Spain, April 30
Théa, Mel & Magenta in Spain
Théa & Lars in the downstairs bar, Angel in the Field, London
Théa, Steve, Stefanie & Rob in London

'Sebastian' at the Old Globe Theatre, San Diego, California, August

Paul at the controls of RSD's very first console

London, October

Peter, Will, Iestyn & Beryl (Will's aunt and uncle)
Iestyn, Will, Rob & Steve
Beryl & Will in the garden at Pembroke Lodge, Richmond Park
Steve, Iestyn, Will & Beryl
Iestyn, Beryl, Rob & Steve

Trip to California, November

Charlie & Will in the hotel swimming pool
Sylvia, Nancy, Thurston, Joe, Christy, Becky & many others at Joe's 90th birthday celebration at Pilgrim Place, November 23
Brad, Sylvia, Carole, Christy, Will, Nancy & many others at Joe's 90th birthday celebration at Pilgrim Place
Roz, Dave, Nancy, Austin, John, Brad & many others at Joe's 90th birthday celebration at Pilgrim Place
Christy & Grace at Joe's 90th birthday celebration at Pilgrim Place
Becky, Joe, Thurston, David & Charlie at Joe's 90th birthday celebration at Pilgrim Place
Will, Austin & Charlie at Joe's 90th at Pilgrim Place.
Roz, Austin & John at Joe's 90th, at the Roth's in Claremont.
Christy, Will, Lindsay, Thurston, Becky & others at Joe's 90th, at the Roth's.
Sylvia, Will & Becky at Joe's 90th, at the Roth's.
Will, Lindsay, Thurston, Joe, Becky & others at Joe's 90th, at the Roth's.
Lindsay, Thurston & Joe at Joe's 90th, at the Roth's.
David, Teri & Sylvia at Joe's 90th at the Roth's.
Bill, Roz, Austin & ? at Joe's 90th at the Roth's.
Tony & Charlie in the hot tub at Tony & Debbie's.

Australian Family

Trevor Mervyn & Family Trevor says "Here's another family picture taken in November 1997, when my brother Glyn and I took our two youngest children back to Wales to see our mother, who was 87 when this picture was taken. The people are, from left front, myself, Trevor Mervyn; my niece (Rita and Roger's younger daughter) Kate and new baby Megan (Kate's husband was not present, being on active service with the RAF) ; sitting next is my brother's youngest boy Morgan; then my mother Emily. Back row from left, my brother Glyndwr David; my brother-in-law Roger holding Kate's firstborn Natasha; Roger's son-in-law Paul with his son Connah on his shoulders; Rita and Roger's elder daughter Nicci next to her husband; my sister Rita with my daughter Emily Maebh on her knee. This was taken in the dining room of our house in Bryncethin. The painting on the wall behind us is a landscape by my father, done in the early 70's I believe.
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