Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 2000 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 2000 Photos

New Year's, 2000

Yes, we celebrated it.

Conference at Banff, February

Group that developed the theatre sound technician Chart of Competencies
Developing the theatre sound technician Chart of Competencies
Developing the theatre sound technician Chart of Competencies
Developing the theatre sound technician Chart of Competencies
Developing the theatre sound technician Chart of Competencies
Ken, our esteemed facilitator

Marcelo, student from Brazil, February

Marcelo & Charlie, in Horseshoe Bay.
Marcelo and his booty.
Will, Marcelo & Charlie at Iona Beach Regional Park.
Will, Marcelo & friend
Will, Marcelo & friend
Will, Marcelo & friend
Marcelo & friends at the airport.

Visit from Roni & Cynthia, February

Roni (Veronica), Charlie, Will & Cynthia
Roni, Charlie & Will on the outlook going up Cypress Mountain
Roni, Will & Cynthia

Millenium Short Story Competition in London, February

Beryl & Jacqui - holding forth on her thank you & farewell speech!

USITT Conference in Denver, March

Sound Design social gathering We had to order pizza and eat it outside because the convention centre catering was too expensive.
Sound Design social gathering Vladimir Franz, our special guest speaker from the Czech Republic, centre.
Sound Design social gathering Much pizza was taken home.
Our table at the banquet - one reason I got a digital camera.
Our table at the banquet - different view.
Charlie & Rick - being presented with the Outstanding Achievement Award
At the pub after the banquet. Rick, Jim, ?, Mike, David, Dave, Susanne
Susanne and the Denver Court House.
Susanne and the state capitol building

Paula's visit, April

Bentley and Paula
Will and Paula

Visit from Nemer, Clara & Suzanne, May

With Théa
Another view with Théa
Suzanne with her freshly picked flowers

Visit from Polly & Pat, June

Will & Polly on the beach in Vancouver
Polly & Charlie at Heritage Village
Bentley, Will, Polly & Pat
Will, Pat, Polly & Charlie at Britannia Heritage Shipyards
Polly & Charlie in Deep Cove
Will & Charlie by Trout Lake

Gareth's graduation, June

Gareth - on the trike
Gareth - on the box
Gareth - ready for action
Gareth - tough guy
Gareth - serious stuff!
Gareth - formal shot with cap
Gareth - sans cap
Gareth - happy it's all over
Gareth - yeah! It's over!
Gareth & the Principal - handing him his diploma

Summer Fun at Home

Gareth & Will before high school graduation
Théa and Will in the garden
Camping in the rain
Will in the rain and the motorcycle size tent trailer
Checking the rig
Gareth & Charlie change the brake pads on Gareth's oil burner
Shelly relaxing while playing the gig
Vince, Charlie, Will & Théa at the East African restaurant
Thomas, Serena & Will at Brandywine Falls
Will, Serena & Thomas at Iona Beach
Thomas, Takeshi, Serena & Will
Mike, Théa, Will & Charlie in the dining room

Eruption at Canada's Wonderland, August

Doug in Control Room with ShowMan and AudioBox
Doug's Favourite Photo of the Show

THEA 2000 Award, September

Themed Entertainment Association Award Statuette for the AudioBox

Sabina from Italy, October

Sabina our excitable and exciting student

Troy in Japan, November

Troy on his "Momma-Cherry" (Mother's Chariot) on the TDS work site
Troy & friend in his boat on the TDS work site
Troy on his scooter on the TDS work site

Visit to London, November

Théa, Iestyn & Beryl in the front room
Théa, Will, ?, Joy & Pauline at the SWWJ Autumn Lunch, Victory Club
Théa, Will, ?, Beryl & Joy at the SWWJ Autumn Lunch, Victory Club
Stefanie, Steve, Rob, Iestyn, Théa & Beryl - dinner at the Union Jack Club
Théa, Rob & Iestyn at the Union Jack Club
Will & Théa comparing specs
Rob & Théa at Rob's
Will in Kingston
Rob & Will in London
Steve, Will & Rob at the wine bar in London
Steve, Roger, Ron & Will at Ron's
Will & Iestyn ready to head off
Stefanie, Rob, Steve & Iestyn in the front room

Christmas at Home

Gareth and breakfast
Théa and Will prepping
Will and Gareth prepping
Bentley, Gareth, Cleo, Devon, Will, Charlie, Rhys, Luke
Arline, Mike, Rhys, Luke, Michaela, Dave, Théa, Gareth, Cleo, Will
Devon, Will, Mike, Arline & Charlie (opening his cracker)

Christmas at the Vienna Volksoper

Back: Martin, Andi, Gottfried, Hannes; Front: Wolfgang, Angie
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