Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 2002 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 2002 Photos

Family photos

Will, Mel, Naoko, Théa & Mike at Charlie's birthday dinner
Will, Mel, Naoko, Théa & Mike - oops! He's taking pictures!
Charlie another exciting birthday fortune cookie prediction..
Will & Naoko - farewell dinner
Sherpa & Pharoah - looking at each other through the front window
Will & Susanne - planning the day over breakfast
Hong - visiting us at the office
Gareth - 19 year old prodigal son returns from Bangkok
Gareth & Will - happy to be back
Will, Gareth & Théa - really happy to be back!
Gareth "I'm really tired because I've been flying for 38 hours..."
Gareth "And now I can take these headphones off..."
Gareth "Yikes! This country is really cold!!"
Mike, Will, Théa & Gareth - first time all together in Vancouver for over a year...
Mike, Will, Théa & Gareth - heading into the cold after a successful reunion
Will - heading to the office and feeling perky!
Théa & friend in her apartment
Devon, Rhys, Arline, Mike & Will - feasting again
Devon, Rhys, Arline, Mike & Will - less hyperactive now
Gareth, Mike & Théa - having a laugh at Dad's expense
Gareth & Will - hangin'
Will & Mel - briefly relaxing
Will & Gareth - birthday cake: condensed
Will & Gareth - birthday cake??
Mike, Théa, Will, Mike, Bentz, Arline & Mel before the hike around Hayward Lake
Jill, Bentz, Mike, Arline, Mel, Will, Théa & Mike on the hike around Hayward Lake - watching me almost fall backwards
The old railway support pilings on Hayward Lake
Will and the still waters run deep
Charlie and the still waters run even deeper
Mike, Will, Charlie, Théa & Mike under the new art deco sign at Stave Lake Power House.
Jill & Théa - at the Szechuan restaurant
Will, Jill & Théa - something's funny at the Szechuan restaurant
Théa, Nan & Joan - at the Szechuan restaurant
Nan - reading her fortune
Will undoing the straps from the kayak at Jericho Beach
Will in the kayak on English Bay
Will in the kayak on English Bay
Charlie in the kayak on English Bay
Will in the kayak on English Bay with Vancouver in front
Will in the kayak on English Bay with West Vancouver in front
Leo the professional snowboarder/skater, bulking up
Leo the professional snowboarder/skater, bulking up
Will & Frank enjoyed breakfast in the waning rays of summer

Tim & Susan in Vancouver on business

Tim relaxing at Rossini's
Sue & Tim at Rossini's
Sue & Tim - pretty low light levels in this place...

Trip to Brackendale to see the eagles

Arline & Bentley - ready for an exciting trip?
Arline, Bentley & Will - where are all the eagles?
Margaretha, Bentley & Will - there they are, way up there...
Charlie, Margaretha, Bentley & Will - no, there they are, way up there...
An eagle - soaring right above us...
Bentley & Will - there should be more down here where all the displays are...
Will, Arline, Bentley & Margaretha - aprés eagle viewing pigout in Squamish

Jennifer & Jay - together again in Vancouver

Will, Jen & Jay - things are getting back to normal now..
Will, Jen & Jay "My best friend from 10 years ago is marrying Scott of Aura Sound!"

Quilchena NDP Planning session

Nancy, ? & Susan - at Susan's
Don & Jim - at Susan's

Hong, language student from South Korea & Peter, actor from Calgary

Will & Hong - descending the stairs on the St. Roch
Will & Hong - walking the plank on the St. Roch
Will & Hong - still walking the plank on the St. Roch
Hong - and the St. Roch
Hong - and his protective figurehead
Hong & Will - in typical Vancouver weather
Hong, Charlie & Will - a rare moment at home
Peter, Hong & Will - another rare moment captured!
Hong & Will - preparing Korean delicacies
Hong & Gareth - passing the rice
Charlie & Hong - fond farewell at the airport
Hong & friends - checking in for the flight home
Hong & friends - aha! They noticed me taking pictures...
Will - on the beautiful morning that Hong left, by the airport
Will - Hong's plane taking off....
Will & Peter - passing along his forwarding address...

Visit from Charlie's university roommate from Buffalo

The old Gene I knew - imitating his 1980 picture and startling the cameraman
Dr. Gene - in a far more pensive and introspective mood
Gene - checking his email on Charlie's computer

Sebastian - home at the museum in the new office

Will & Sebastian - back in the museum after 30 years on the road
Will & Sebastian - RSD's very first theatre sound console (see the 1972 photos for another pic of Will & Sebastian)
Charlie & Sebastian - proud father of a prodigal child
Ken MacKenzie - towing a log boom past the office window
Winter Wonderland outside the office window - check out the snow on the side of the pole
Charlie wiring up the new office vestibule
Andrew prepping the new office dividing wall
Andrew ready to close up the new office dividing wall
Andrew closing up the new office dividing wall

Katsuko - language student from Japan

Jan, Will, Katsuko, Arline, Devon, Arthur, Rhys & Laurence - Devon's boyfriend is opening the wine
Laurence, Arline, Mike, Will, Katsuko, Devon & Andrew
Sheila, Théa, Mike, Will & Katsuko at Sheila's new digs
Katsuko & Will - on the stroll
Bentz, Will & Katsuko by the Maritime Museum Marina
Katsuko beside the classic wooden boat
Bentley & her headless friend at the Vancouver Museum
Bentley & Will reappearing at the Vancouver Museum
Bentley & Will and the classic antique shoes at the Vancouver Museum

Frank in town before & after recording his CD

Frank & Bentz - old friends despite the mandolin
Frank - delirious in the kitchen
Frank, Will & Susanne - noshing

Keiko - language student from Japan

Frank & Keiko - cross cultural connection
Keiko & Will in Queen Elizabeth Park
Will & Keiko in the park
Those weird tourists & Keiko in the park
Keiko looking at the last few patches of snow

Visit from Betsy & Don in May

Betsy & Will at Queen Elizabeth Park in full bloom
Will & Betsy at Queen Elizabeth Park in full bloom
Don, Betsy & Will with 'Knife Edge' & the McMillan Conservatory behind

Combined birthday bash for Will, Jill & Grace, May

Joan & Will plotting their next move
Nan in on the plan
Nan & Will - it'll be a birthday bash
Will, Joan & Nan
Jill, Mel & Bentz
Bentz, Théa & Will with the roses
Will with her birthday present from Théa: a handcrafted knitting bag
Will radiant in the corner by the brass Chinese plates
Nan, Will, Grace & Bentley reading the card to the assembled masses

Banshee comes home

Gareth in Banshee - checking to see if she turns over
Gareth in Banshee - please don't do that!
Banshee gets a boost

Visit to Vancouver Island, July

Will & Susanne picnicing at the Schooner Cove marina
Will in front of the tidal flats off Ship's Point by Susanne's
Charlie & Will on the wildlife refuge observation deck in front of the tidal flats
Will on the wildlife refuge observation deck
Susanne & Will ready to paddle
The kayak rental guy & Will getting everything organised
Susanne in her kayak with Union Bay in the background
[pregnant] Susanne & Will - just arrived on Tree Island
Susanne & Will and the kayak on Tree Island with Denman Island in the background
Will & Susanne eating for three...
Susanne & Charlie on Tree Island
Will exploring Tree Island
Charlie providing customer support on the cell phone
Susanne watering her plants at the new house
Will & Randy relaxing on the deck
Randy, Susanne & Will checking the map of Strathcona Park
Randy, Susanne & Will planning our route to Forbidden Plateau in Strathcona Park
Will & Susanne forging the route along the wooden walkway
Randy, Susanne & Will - now where are we, again?
Randy, Susanne & Will noshing the trail mix for that needed energy
Randy & Susanne finding their way over the snow
Susanne & Randy with a mountain and lake panorama in the background
Will, Susanne & Randy admiring the panorama and the alpine meadows
Will, Susanne & Randy in the snow
Mountains and trees mirrored in the alpine lake
Susanne, Randy & Will admiring the view while eating lunch
Susanne & Will under the arbour in Filberg Park in Comox
Art Deco bathroom in Filberg Lodge in Comox
Susanne & Will in front of historic Filberg Lodge in Comox
Susanne & Will - lunch at the Comox marina
Will - in the waiting room after just missing the ferry

Takashi - language student from Japan

Will & Takashi - dinner on the back deck with the Polish Queen in full bloom
Will & Takashi - demonstrating how this Japanese game is played
Takashi & Will - showing him where to catch the bus to get downtown
Takashi & Will - setting up the bikes
Takashi - on Susanne's bike
Will & Takashi - tying up at the Art Gallery
Takashi - taking a picture at the Roundhouse
Takashi in front of the Roundhouse
Takashi - taking another picture at the Roundhouse
Takashi & Will entering Granville Island's Public Market
Susanne, Will & Takashi - dinner on the back deck with the Polish Queen still in full bloom
Bentz, Takashi & Will - dressing for the hike up Mount Cheam
Takashi, Bentz, Will, Arline & Mike - by the white Pathfinder (not the blue one or the green one)
Arline, Will & Takashi - at the beginning of the hike with Lady Peak in the background
Arline, Will, Bentz & Takashi - starting up the side of Lady Peak with the glacial lake in the background
Charlie, Will, Takashi, Arline & Bentz - starting up the side of Lady Peak amongst the alpine flowers
Will - looking down the sheer side of Lady Peak from the saddle
Will & Takashi - looking down the sheer side of Mount Cheam from the saddle
Lady Peak and the saddle - from Mount Cheam
Cairn in the shape of a person, Bentz, Arline & Mike - hiking up Mount Cheam in the clouds
Takashi - sitting at the very top of Mount Cheam
Arline - near the summit of Mount Cheam, in the clouds
Mike, Charlie, Takashi & Arline - at the summit of Mount Cheam
Arline & Mike - looking down at the parking area 630m below Mount Cheam
Takashi - and a rare moment when the clouds partially cleared on Mount Cheam
Glacial lake - from Mount Cheam
Will - with the summit of Mount Cheam in the clouds beyond
Mount Cheam - from the alpine meadows below Lady Peak
Takashi - in the alpine meadows of Lady Peak with Mount Cheam behind
Will - in the alpine meadows of Lady Peak looking up at Mount Cheam
Arline & Mike - after a snack break beside the glacial lake
Mike taking a quick splash in this glacial lake
Takashi & Will heading back to Japan

Arrival of Rachel's 'Little Bear'

Hezekiah held by Théa - at the baby shower
Théa, Mel, Hezekiah & Magenta - at the baby shower
Mel, Hezekiah & Magenta - at the baby shower
Fiona, Hezekiah & Rachel - at the baby shower
Hezekiah held by Rachel - at the baby shower

25th Annual Vancouver Folk Music Festival

Sheila & Will - in the new seats
Ian - relaxing and enjoying the show
Will - at our vantage point with English Bay, downtown Vancouver, Stanley Park and the North Shore mountains
Will - at our vantage point with the North Shore mountains in the background
Mel, Mike & Théa - snacking as they should be
Théa, Mike & Mel - at the Stage in the shady glen
Charlie - applauding from a very relaxed position
Will & Charlie - in typical poses
Mel - checking out the main stage through the binoculars
Mel, Mike & friends
Mel, Mike & friends
Théa - something in her eye
Will & Charlie - still in typical poses
Mel, Théa & Bentley - not in typical poses
Will, Charlie, Bentley, Mike & Mel
Will, Charlie, Bentley, Mike & Mel
Sunset over the Festival
Sunset over the Festival
Sunset over the Festival
View toward the main stage during the sunset
Sunset over the Festival

Tall Ships in Steveston

Will and an American tall ship
Will and an American tall ship
Will and the crowds boarding the tall ship
Tamil Dancers
Tamil Dancers
Tamil Dancers
Sunset over the concert grounds

Tim & Susan cruising the inside passage

Tim meeting us by Molly's Reach in Gibsons
Tim setting up a scrumptious afternoon snack
Tim showing us how to enjoy boating
Tim enjoying the local scenery
Will relaxing in the stern seat in Gibsons Harbour
Charlie relaxing in the other stern seat
Sue & Will getting land based in Gibsons
Susan getting the morning coffee going in the fabulous Hunter galley
Tim casting off Sun Break Seeker from Gibsons
Tim casting off Sun Break Seeker from Gibsons
Tim casting off Sun Break Seeker from Gibsons
Will getting back in position in the stern seat
Will back in position in the stern seat
Will, Tim & Sue pulling up the bumpers
Charlie relaxing in the stern seat with Molly's Reach in the background
Will & Charlie relaxing together in the stern
Charlie enjoying being at the wheel
Susan looking like the experienced cruiser she is
Will with the mountains and the sea behind
Tim with the mountains and the sea behind
Susan at the wheel
Will with the mountains and the sea behind
Charlie truly relaxing in face of shipping traffic
Tim & Charlie on the watch while the new pilot learns the course
Tim & Charlie - enjoying it immensely now
Charlie & Will - getting a warm and fuzzy feel for cruising
Will another new pilot learns the course
Will still learning the course
Charlie exhausted after such hard work
Charlie still exhausted
Charlie - must be within cellphone range now
Will - anticipating the end of the trip
Tim & Sue with West Vancouver in the background
Will on Sun Break Seeker, safely tied up in False Creek, Vancouver
Susan on Sun Break Seeker, safely tied up in False Creek
Susan checking out the other boats in False Creek
Charlie, Ann, Marc, Rod, Kenta, Will, Tim & Susan - safely docked in False Creek
Charlie, Ann, Marc, Rod, Kenta, Will, Tim & Susan - reprise
Rod, Ann, Marc, Will, Kenta, Linda, Susan & Tim - reprise with replacement

Kenta & Marc, language students from Japan & Switzerland

Marc & Will at the picnic dinner at the University of British Columbia
Kenta at the picnic dinner at the University of British Columbia
Kenta, Will & Marc at Jericho Beach with English Bay and the North Shore Mountains behind

Rod & Ann's visit to the West

Ann, Rod, Will & Charlie - in front of the steam clock in Gastown
Ann & Rod looking for breakfast by Kits Beach
Will, Ann & Rod having breakfast on Kits Beach
Will, Ann & Rod having breakfast on Kits Beach
Will, Charlie & Rod - on Kits Beach
Bentz, Sheila & Ann having a mini reunion
Bentz, Ann & Will - must have been a pretty rough reunion
Will & Dave preparing the salmon in his own special way
Will & Dave cutting the big, fat tasty salmon
Will serving up the rest of the goodies
Jan, Mike & Dave jawboning in the back garden
Mike, Jill, Arline, Ann & Rod enjoying Dave's special salmon in the back garden
Kenta, his friend & Daniel enjoying Dave's salmon
Arline, Ann, Corby & Rod chowing down
Bentz & Lily old friends parting ways for the time being
Daniel, Will, Charlie & Nan - insane renditions of traditional Spanish music
Daniel & Nan lively Spanish music sounding less insane as the evening wears on
Rod & Ann heading off to Vancouver Island and back home again

UK visit, October

Will really enjoying the Heathrow bus terminal
Will & Beryl checking out the garden
Beryl & Will looking for rain
London in the twilight, looking up the Thames from the Millenium Bridge
Will on the Millenium Bridge with Whitehall behind
Will on the Millenium Bridge with the Tate Gallery behind
Will on the Millenium Bridge with St Paul's Cathedral behind
Beryl & Will - best friends
Iestyn - always up on the latest news
Will in Green Park
Charlie in Green Park
Will by the Thames in Kingston
Will by the Thames in Kingston
Will and the river cruise boats in Kingston
Beryl, Will & Steve enjoying a bit o' th' bubbly in Surbiton
Stephanie & Rob enjoying a bit o' th' bubbly in Surbiton
Iestyn & Beryl enjoying a bit o' th' bubbly in Surbiton
Will having lunch in Hampton Court Palace Gardens
Will in Hampton Court Palace Gardens
Charlie in front of Hampton Court Palace
Will and the elaborate gilt gate of Hampton Court Palace Gardens
Will waiting (without end) for the ferry across the Thames
John & Charlie - separated at birth??
Will in front of Churchills Free House, off Clerkenwell Road
Rob & Tom having supper at Rob's
Steve & Rob having supper at Rob's
Steve & Rob having supper at Rob's
Iestyn & Beryl heading off for the morning paper
Beryl & Will still best friends
Beryl & Will - who me?
Iestyn still washing up

Las Vegas/California visit, October

Charlie setting up the tent trailer at Sam's Town
Charlie taking the first support call after a relaxing swim
Loren, Scott, Jeff, John & Sierk on the Show Control hike in the Red Rock area above Las Vegas
John & Sierk on the Show Control hike in the Red Rock area above Las Vegas
George, Alf, John, Sierk, Jeff, Scott, Charlie & Loren on the Show Control hike in the Red Rock area above Las Vegas
Rutger, Alex, John, Takayoshi, Kristen, Scott, Jeff, Dan, Joanne, Loren, Will having Thai food together after the hike
Alex, Charlie & Alf having Thai food together after the hike
John & Sierk having Thai food together after the hike
Liz, Emily, John, Sierk & Jim having Thai food together after the hike
Alf, John, Sierk, Jim's mum, George, Liz, Jim & Emily having Thai food together after the hike
Joanne, Loren, Will, Takayoshi, Charlie & John having Thai food together after the hike
Alex, John, Charlie, Takayoshi, Kristen, Scott, Joanne, Dan, Loren, Jeff, Will having Thai food together after the hike
John, Sierk, Jim, Emily, Liz, Alf & George having Thai food together after the hike
Sierk, Alex & John on the show floor
Will going to the historic Old Fort - a 'no gambling' destination
Will in the Old Mormon Fort
Will in the Old Fort with the new Las Vegas City Hall behind
Charlie in the Old Mormon Fort
Will lassoing the 'steer' in the Old Fort
Will checking out the fascinating tree in the Old Fort
Daddy Joe - 95 years old and resting peacefully
Charlie & Joe chatting about old times
Charlie & Joe - old friends
Will searching for seals and sea birds in the Pacific Ocean
Will looking through her binoculars on the California Coast
Charlie looking at his bird through rose coloured opera glasses
Will revisiting the lily pond in the colonial style square in Monterey
Charlie and his father's ship plans in the Monterey Maritime Museum
Charlie and one of his father's ship models in the Monterey Maritime Museum
Charlie and his father's model of the Charles W. Morgan in the Monterey Maritime Museum
Charlie looking at the harbour from the balcony of the Monterey Maritime Museum
Will with the Monterey Maritime Museum in the background
Will & Austin on a quick late night visit to El Cerrito

The new digital camera, December

Charlie in the very first picture - not a good portent
Will in an extreme closeup test
Théa say ahhh....
Charlie are you funnin' me?!
Charlie just trying to be helpful...
Théa in a high resolution picture
Will like a deer caught in the headlights...

Charlie & Will finally get married, December 15

Nan running off after delivering the wedding cake
Pharoah and Théa's flower arrangement
Will, Charlie & Gareth having brunch before the ceremony
Charlie writing the cheque for the Marriage Commissioner
Charlie & Will in a semi-formal portrait mood
Charlie & Will signing the registration book
Will & Charlie listening to the explanation of the technicalities
Gareth chillin' in his shades
Will radiant with orange juice
Charlie & Théa getting into the bubbly
Charlie gut schmecken
Gareth and his silent comment on the proceedings
Charlie - having second thoughts??
Théa and her silent comment on the proceedings
Will & Charlie imitating their younger years (as per the photo)
Will, Charlie & 'Baby' Gareth - just who is in their second childhood??
Will & Charlie and the formal portrait with flowers
Will, Charlie & Gareth - whoa!! now I understand why you wear those things...
Will, Charlie, Gareth & Théa in a cozy family gathering
Charlie in a rare appearance in the kitchen
Charlie & Will groovin' just like an old married couple should
Will, Charlie, Théa & Tristan in a rushed visit before dinner and having to head out
Théa & Laura - good friends enjoying a brief visit
Laura & Jill fortunately passing through town at the same time
Daniel, Nan, Laura, Liz, Grace, Luke, Will, Gareth, Joan, Jill & Joanne holding up their copies of the personalized calendar made by Daniel
Nan, Laura & Jill buds together again
Joanne & Will looking at the calendar
Mike, Théa & Liz enjoying the proceedings
Luke & Gareth enjoying themselves
Laura & Daniel describing the event
Maya, Charlie & Mel in the kitchen
Ann, Cadi & Margretha having a laugh
Karl, Dave & Dave discussing joining the Dave club
Grace, Dave & Dave not concerned at all about the Dave club
Will & Charlie contemplating the cake
Will & Charlie preparing to cut the cake
Will & Charlie preparing to cut the cake
Will & Charlie holding the knife in unison over the cake
Will & Charlie holding the knife in unison over the cake
Will & Charlie going delirious waiting to cut the cake
Théa & Jane chatting about letting them eat cake
Viv, Liz, Sheila & Dave encouraging us to cut the cake
Will & Charlie taking cake requests
Gerry, Viv, Sheila, Dave & Jenn enjoying the cake
Viv, Dave, Cadi, Luke & Sheila concerned over the equal distribution of cake
Ian & Gerry pensively awaiting their cake
Margretha, Luke & Sheila concerned that there's enough to go around....
Charlie, Will & Daniel carousing
Charlie & Will the happy couple
Daniel giving a two-thumbs-up to the whole happening
Jill having a laugh
Théa & Jill - what do they know that we don't?
Will, Dave, Jan, Jay, Jenn, Joanne, Karl & Andrew heading off
Jan, Joanne & Andrew final farewell of the evening
Jane, Daniel, Mel, Maya & Théa catching the flowers in lieu of the garter

Scott & Perle's visit to BC

Will, Perle, Scott, Jay, Julie & Jenn getting together for the first time in years at La Bodega
Perle, Will, Scott, Julie, Jay & Jenn getting together for the first time in years at La Bodega

Christmas Eve at Sheila & David's

Gareth reading Sheila's book

Christmas Day with Théa & Mike

Mel in her Christmas stocking cap
Mel in her Christmas stocking cap
Gareth, Théa, Mike & Will in the kitchen
Paul & Mel checking out the new book
Théa & Mike prepping the feast in their new pajamas
Mel, Gareth & Magenta checking out the presents
Théa, Gareth, Mel & Magenta checking out the stuff, especially the books
Rhys, Théa, Devin, Mike, Will, Arline & Gareth downstairs at Mike and Arline's house
Rhys, Théa, Devin, Mike, Arline, Will & Gareth having Christmas turkey with our crowns
Devin, Rhys & Gareth playing chess
Charlie sussing out the 3D puzzle of Mont St Michel
Charlie & Mike puzzling over the puzzle
Brad, Rhys & Gareth playing chess
Charlie totally spaced after finishing the puzzle in one evening
Charlie and the finished product after keeping everyone up late
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