Richmond Sound Design - Audio Engine & Show Control - Charlie's 2003 Photo Album
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Audio Engine Software

Charlie's 2003 Photos

Scott & Perle redux, January

Will, Scott & Perle in Pacific Spirit Park overlooking the log booms on the Fraser
Perle, Will & Scott in Pacific Spirit Park looking for the outline of Vancouver Island
Perle & Scott and the huge windows of the Anthropology Museum at UBC
Will & Scott on the trail in Queen Elizabeth Park
Will & Scott testing the acoustic properties of Henry Moore's 'Knife Edge'
Will & Scott looking toward the mountains
Scott & Will enjoying the splendours of RSD's office

Michaela in town, January

David, Michaela & Will having a wee dram in the front room
Sheila, Luke, David, Will & Michaela having a wee snack in the front room

Adventures with Mike & Arline, January

Mike, Arline & Will exploring Main Street Antique stores
Mike, Arline & Will Mike striding on ahead
Marianne, Rhys & Arline unloading for the hike up Capilano Canyon
Will, Marianne & Arline preparing for the hike up Capilano Canyon
Marianne & Mike siblings inspecting the leachate drainage trough
Marianne, Mike & Will experiencing the power of the leachate drain
Rhys, Marianne, Arline, Mike & Will on the more open section of the trail
Marianne & Rhys amongst the tall trees deeper in the forest
Marianne, Mike, Rhys & Will taking a breather in the dark woods
Mike, Marianne, Rhys, Arline & Will planning the next move
Marianne & Mike resting amongst the tall trees deep in the forest
Jan, Arline, Mike, Will & Laurence taking a breather on the Lynn Canyon trail
Jan, Will, Mike, Arline & Laurence enjoying the sunshine in the little park on Lynn Canyon Road

Mushroom Studios mini reunion, January

Pete, Jenn, Théa, Ray, Keith, Linda, Charlie & Heather with mouths open at La Bodega
Keith, Linda, Charlie, Heather, Will, Pete, Jenn & Théa with mouths closed, from the opposite end of the table
Ray, Charlie, Keith, Jenn & Linda - calmer and rearranged now
Théa, Jenn, Will, Tara & Pete chatting with the new member of the group
Keith, Linda, Heather, Théa, Jenn & Will - completely rearranged now
Pete, Tara, Jenn, Ray, Charlie, Keith, Linda, Will, Heather & Théa slouching more and getting ready to disperse

Susanne & Cole visit Vancouver

Susanne & Will unloading the stroller in the rain
Susanne & Will pushing Cole in the stroller in the rain
Susanne & Cole in the stroller
Susanne & Cole in Sophie's Cosmic Cafe
Susanne & Cole in Sophie's Cosmic Cafe
Cole & Charlie doing a little male bonding
Cole & Will looking a little more alert
Cole back in town briefly
Cole - so happy!
Susanne & Will - farewell for now
Susanne & Randy - parting is such sweet sorrow

Théa's Birthday bash, February

Théa & Mike getting prepped
Gareth & Théa sushi-ing in Shabusen
Will & Mike sushi-ing in Shabusen

Cross Country swan song trip, March

Will and the grand old theatre in Butte, Montana
Charlie inside the grand old theatre in Butte
Will and one of the fabulous old brick buildings in Butte
Will talking to Théa in front of an historical residence in Butte
Will and the huge mansion we explored in Butte
Will and the Little Bighorn Battlefield - too late to help
Will and the Little Bighorn Battlefield - still too late
Spectacular skies over the Little Bighorn River valley
Will at the visitor centre at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota
Will at the bottom of the rubble at Mount Rushmore
Will in the inner courtyard at Wall Drug, Wall, South Dakota
Will at the spectacular Badlands of South Dakota
Drainage pipe in the Badlands - attempting to prevent erosion?

Farewell to the kitties

Sherpa stretching out before heading off to a new home
Sherpa stretching out from a different angle

Selling the house and ready to move to the UK, May

Bentley, Will & Paula one last time in the front room on 24th Avenue
Andrew, Joanne, Rhys, Arline & Mike at the farewell dinner at the Oishi-Goldstein's

Settling in Central London, June +

Steve, Rob & Will having supper at our new digs on Walnut Tree Walk in Kennington, Lambeth
Rob, Will & Steve still noshing in Davenport House, China Walk Estate (Old)
Will in the beautiful Roots & Shoots Community Garden across the road from us
Will in another area of Roots & Shoots Community Garden
Will & neighbours in the marshland area of Roots & Shoots Community Garden
Will in the passiflora corner of Roots & Shoots Community Garden
Will in the greenhouse and bedding plants section of Roots & Shoots
Will and the small garden shed and more flowers in Roots & Shoots
Charlie emulating the Paul McCarthy inflatable images by the Tate Modern
Will and Henry Moore's 'Knife Edge Two Piece' at the Tate Modern
Will in the Imperial War Museum, across Kennington Road from China Walk Estate
Charlie and a very prophetic slab of the Berlin Wall in front of the Imperial War Museum
Will in front of the sarcophagus of the Tradescant family (and its fantastical multi-headed gryffon and human skull) with the more conventional one of Captain William Bligh and his family in the background - in the St Mary-at-Lambeth churchyard, by Lambeth Palace
Charlie standing on the earthing plate for the lighting arrest system of St Mary-at-Lambeth church - note the thick aluminium ribbon which travels 50m across flower beds, monuments, gravestones and walkways before going up the side of the 14th century tower
Lucky waiting for the post his first time in London
Beryl, Steve, Stefanie, Will & Iestyn - lunch with Stefanie for the first time since arriving
Iestyn, Beryl, Steve, Stefanie & Will - lunch from another angle
Stefanie, Steve & Iestyn inspecting the new three room tent
Stefanie, Steve & Iestyn - very pleased with the new three room tent!
Lucky - his first time in Surbiton
Steve & Beryl - having a relaxed meeting in the three room tent
Iestyn - the cook in his new Southwark Cathedral pinnie close to their 61st anniversary
Steve & Charlie - having another relaxed meeting in the three room tent
Beryl & Iestyn - having a relaxed meeting back on the porch
Rob, Stefanie, Will & Steve - making meals with Stefanie a more frequent feature all of a sudden
Johnl working diligently as usual in his corner of the new, bigger Aura office
Skippy also working diligently in his corner of the new, bigger Aura office
Skippy proudly displaying the new IAAPA membership certificate for Aura Show Control

Visiting Bristol & the Cotswolds, June

Will & Bentley admiring a map of The Downs, Bristol
Will & Bentley embroidering small mirrors into their piecework at 'Mirror, Bead & Thread' - a Celebration of Gujarati Textiles
Will and a closeup of her mirrored piece at the Bristol Museum
Charlie with St. Michael's Hill area in the background, taken from the Cabot Tower
Will, Sheila & Bentz at the Italian Restaurant in Westbury-on-Trym, before the lights went out
Will, Sheila & Bentz at the Italian Restaurant in Westbury-on-Trym, performing for the camera
Will by the church in Stanton, at the beginning of the Cotswold walk
Our walking group in the small, old village of Stanton, Leicestershire
The Group taking coffee in a picturesque valley
Stanway House advertising its ancient water garden
Wood Stanway - another view of this ancient town
Will and Cromwell's Monument at the highest point of the walk
The Group and sheep in the field below Cromwell's Monument
Charlie on the way down from Cromwell's Monument
Sudeley Castle's play area - the highest children's playground I've ever seen
Jousting - entertainment at Sudeley Castle
The Winner of the jousting match at Sudeley Castle
Tithe Barn - inside the ruins of this huge structure at Sudeley Castle
The Group nearing the end of the 'C' Walk in the Tithe Barn
The Group up closer in the Tithe Barn
Will & friend in the Tithe Barn
Will and the most famous of the comic gargoyles of Winchcombe Abbey
Will and another comic gargoyles of Winchcombe Abbey, Winchcombe, Gloucestershire
Charlie - inspired by the comic gargoyles of Winchcombe Abbey

Family holiday at Lydd-on-Sea, Kent - June/July

Rob unpacking Steve's Kangoo at the cottage
Iestyn & Will relaxing in the front addition (the 'dining room') of the cottage
Steve, Will, Beryl & Rob noshing in the 'dining room' at our first supper
Steve, Will, Beryl & Rob 'elbows out' at supper
Rob & Will inspecting the flooding tide from the beach edge
Will paddling at Camber Sands on the morning of the nicest day
Steve about to take the plunge at Camber Sands
Will & Beryl inspecting the flora on the road to Dungeness nuclear power station (in the background) - local power for the cottages is provided by a battery of diesel generators scattered beneath the power lines
Iestyn eating his salmon feast at his private table
Steve, Rob, Beryl & Will eating the rest of the salmon supper
Will & Beryl checking out the old converted water tower in Littlestone
Beryl & Rob and the huge rambling house in Littlestone (with Dungeness power station in the background)
Will just before turning back on the ill-fated 'Public Footpath' search
Will lost in a barleyfield somewhere near Lydd....
Will and Pleasance Road Central - all 50m of its total length (note the diesel generator - one of dozens that provide power in the shadow of Dungeness nuclear power station)
Rob and the bookend shot of dropping the rubbish into the bin before leaving the cottage...
Steve contemplating trading in the Kangoo on a brand new Morgan....
Steve inspecting the curious Dutch cross between a motorcycle and car

Amsterdam visit - July

Will checking out the huge Chunnel train cars from the inside
Will and our coach on the Chunnel train
Charlie & Paul in the control room at Madame Tussaud's
Charlie & Paul discussing the AudioBox at Madame Tussaud's
Theater Tuschinski - the incredible Art Deco cinema in Amsterdam
Will, Rutger, Renee, John & Sierk and the fantastic Indonesian rice table feast in the floating restaurant
Charlie, Will, Rutger, Renee, Sierk & John and the fantastic Indonesian rice table feast in the floating restaurant
Will, Polly & Jonathan in the Heineken Cafe in Leidseplein
Beer wagon in Leidseplein with 12 person pedal power
Jonathan, Will & Polly wandering up Leidsestraat toward the shopping district
Will & Rutger and his legendary 1968 Citroën DS
Will, Sierk, Renee, John & Rutger eating in the theme park in eastern Netherlands
Will, Renee & Sierk relaxing from a good vantage point in front of the controls hut
Will, John & Rutger on top of the 35m high tower at sunset
Charlie on top of the 35m high tower at sunset
Will on top of the 35m high tower at sunset
John on top of the 35m high tower at sunset (note the Ferrari shirt)
Will, Rutger & Charlie on top of the 35m high tower at sunset
Will, Rutger & Charlie - again, because of my funny camera, with high rise buildings in the background, sticking up above the forest
View out the window of our hotel (The Veteran) room - two tour boats on Herengracht are passing each other...
John, Renee, Will & Sierk in Renee's beautiful and large house
Christian & Charlie having a farewell dinner in the Shiva Restaurant
John, Will & Christian - unfortunately out of focus...

Vienna & Salzburg visit - July

Gabi, Charlie & Will enjoying Gabi's spectacular home made sachertorte and coffee mit schlag
Gabi, Martin & Will viewing Vienna from high atop Kahlenberg during the first day's tour of the city
Gabi, Charlie & Will with beer at Vienna's best Würstelstand
Will & Charlie enjoying semmeln (buns), 'meat loaf' & sausage at Vienna's best Würstelstand
Will, Martin & Gabi at the first of many fabulous Austrian breakfasts
Charlie trying to put everyone to sleep at Theater an der Josefstadt
Charlie failing to put everyone to sleep at Theater an der Josefstadt
Charlie & Paul discussing the Stagetec system at Theater an der Josefstadt
Paul & Charlie discussing the Nexus interface at Theater an der Josefstadt
Martin, Klaus & Herr Truley on the grid of the Vienna State Opera
Klaus, Martin & Will looking at the new luxury apartments from the roof of the Vienna State Opera
Herr Truley, Charlie & Klaus on the roof of the Vienna State Opera
Klaus, Will & Martin looking toward the Prater from the roof of the Vienna State Opera
Herr Truley, Charlie, Klaus & Will on the roof of the Vienna State Opera
Will and the Tyrolian hut in the inner garden at Favoritenstraße 50
Will at Favoritenstraße 50, Charlie's old apartment is the upper left window
Apotheke - still across the street from Favoritenstraße 50
Gabi, Klaus & Charlie opening the champagne at Klaus & Gisela's
Gabi, Gisela, Klaus, Charlie & Will on the patio at Klaus & Gisela's
Klaus pouring beer from the bottomless jug
Will & Charlie having quite a laugh over the many gourmet courses to be served
Klaus & Gisela serving up yet another couple of tasty dishes
Charlie digging into goulash, egg and knödl
Will & Charlie moving on to dessert now....
Charlie & Klaus relishing the schlag
Gisela - the radiant hostess after a successful dinner
Gabi happy with her precious bundle
Charlie and the oldest church in Vienna, St. Ruprecht, dating to the 9th century
Martin & Harald in Harald's beautiful new office (without flash....)
Martin & Harald in Harald's beautiful new office (shedding more light on the subject...)
Frau Wind, Will, Martin, Gabi & Patrick in the Wind Winery, St. Margarethen, wine tasting (except for Patrick)
Gabi, Charlie, Will & Frau Wind toasting a fine batch of wines
Charlie & Will listening intently to the stories of the wines
Gabi, Charlie & Will taking it all in
Frau Wind and some of the types of wines we tasted
Gabi, Martin & Charlie eating giant spare ribs in the St. Margarethen barbecue restaurant
Martin, Sabina & Martin in the Mörbisch Festspiele control room
Will in Schönbrunn castle gardens
Schönbrunn castle, gardens and fountain statuary
Will and Schönbrunn castle, gardens and fountain overview
Charlie handing you Schönbrunn from the Gloriette
Will & Charlie and a self-taken shot on the Gloriette
Will and another colourful Schönbrunn garden area
Will, Gisela, Gabi, Martin & Klaus at the spare rib restaurant in Grinzing, overlooking Vienna
Will, Gisela, Gabi, Martin & Klaus now smiling for the camera in Grinzing, overlooking Vienna
Harald, Gisela, Daniela, Gabi, Martin & Klaus with Hundertwasser's golden heating plant (a brilliant solution where trash is burned to provide hot water for all of Vienna) glowing in the setting sun
Will, Harald, Gisela, Daniela, Gabi, Martin & Klaus - latecomers having arrived in Grinzing
Charlie & Harald having a good chat during their first chance to talk at length
Will and a tasty slice of pork
Charlie hefting a full tray of barbecue delicacies
Charlie - ah, well, maybe not THAT full (must watch the diet...)
Harald carefully considering a radical statement
Will, Charlie, Harald, Gisela, Daniela, Gabi, Martin & Klaus finally digging into dinner
Oberdorf near Salzburg in all its Alpine splendour
Charlie studying the brochure of all the pensions in the area
Charlie & Will having the special Salzburger Würstel, Bosna
Will, Martin, John & Edwin on the Salzburger Festspielhaus stage with the Don Carlos set
Will, Martin, Charlie & Edwin on the Salzburg Festival house stage with the Don Carlos set
Will, Charlie & Edwin in the Salzburg Kleines Festspielhaus control booth
Edwin, Charlie & Martin in the control booth, amazed at the antique Mitsubishi console
Will, Martin & Charlie overlooking Salzburg from the castle above
John and the view from the castle
Martin & John overlooking Salzburg from the castle above
John & Charlie photographing the castle views
Will, Charlie & John and the view from the castle
Charlie trying to use the castle phone
Charlie trying to contact the castle's caretaker
Salzburg - musical gem in the Alps
Charlie, Will & John high above Salzburg
Charlie, Will & John high(?) above Salzburg
Charlie investigating the nooks and crannies of the Salzburg castle
Hannes, Martin, Sonja, Will & John in the Salzburg beer garden, Augustiner Bräu
Oberdorf - meanwhile, back on the farm....
Charlie on the balcony of the pension in Oberdorf surrounded by blooms
Grandpa Gnome - the father of all gnomes standing on the porch of the pension
Charlie & Martin about to insert the Laguna key card into the turbo diesel
John, Will & Charlie at Hellbrunn castle, Salzburg
A Hellbrunn castle surprise water feature area
Charlie & Will and the surprise water works Hellbrunn castle
Closeup of the Hellbrunn castle's surprise outdoor feast table
Victim at the Hellbrunn castle's surprise outdoor feast table
Our genial host at the controls of the Hellbrunn castle's surprise outdoor feast table
Controls of the Hellbrunn castle's surprise outdoor feast table
Another Hellbrunn castle surprise water feature
Ball floating on a jet of water at Hellbrunn castle
Will and the rest of the crowd at Hellbrunn castle trying to avoid getting wet
Yeow! - the crowd at Hellbrunn castle has cleared pretty fast...
The spraying deer gets another Hellbrunn victim
An animated diorama - one of many at Hellbrunn castle that is water powered
Water powered animated feature with its tongue moving in and out of its mouth rather erotically
Water powered animated feature where the maiden thrusts her knife repeatedly at the devil
Water powered animated feature where the stream of water flows cleanly between the two turtles
Water powered animated feature where the potter kicks the wheel and throws the turning pot
Theatre Show Control installation - dating from the 17th century: a water controlled miniature theatre in the gardens of Hellbrunn castle
Water controlled miniature theatre - another view
Closeup of the miniature animated theatre at Hellbrunn castle
Closer closeup of the miniature animated theatre at Hellbrunn castle
Extreme closeup of the miniature animated theatre at Hellbrunn castle
Jeweled cone floating on top of a water jet at Hellbrunn castle
Jeweled cone and the source of the jet and base
Closeup of jeweled cone floating on top of a water jet at Hellbrunn castle - note "stalagtites" on the ceiling
Closeup of jeweled cone floating on top of a water jet at Hellbrunn castle - note the source of the jet and the base where the cone normally sits
John & Charlie running through the water jet tunnel at Hellbrunn castle - without getting a drop on them!
Water feature at Hellbrunn castle
John and the water feature at Hellbrunn castle
Unicorn at Hellbrunn castle
Charlie navigating the Alpine roads in the Laguna
Martin & Charlie exploring the Alpine woods - hmmm.... what are they looking for?
Martin & Charlie bouncing on the log bridge
Charlie & Will on the log bridge
Charlie and the alpine stream pouring down the mountain
Charlie & Will smelling the flowers in Bad Ischl
Will & Martin having coffee and delicacies in the famous Zauner restaurant in Bad Ischl
Martin & Charlie outside the Zauner restaurant celebrating the accomplishment!
Lucky and his cousin, the Iron Gnome, back in Vienna
Lucky waiting for the newspaper in Vienna
Will and a sign commemorating a long lost Welsh relative, near Martin & Gabi's house in Vienna
Will and a feature of Austria: self-cut/pay gladioli and sunflowers in the fields around Vienna

Scotland visit - August

Will, Mike & Arline having very tasty meals in the Ancrum pub
Mike at the site of the old mill and by the bridge to Ancrum
Mike, Arline & Will and Jedburgh Abbey
Mike, Will & Arline in Jedburgh Abbey
Charlie, Arline & Will in front of Jedburgh Abbey
Arline, Mike & Will taking a lunch break on Dere Street
Mike rambling on Dere Street, a 30m wide perfectly straight Roman Road
Arline, Charlie & Will on the main Roman Road loop walk
Arline, Mike & Charlie taking a water break on a very hot day....
Mike, Charlie & Will on the main Roman Road loop walk, by the horse stables
Will, Arline & Charlie funnin' on the main Roman Road loop walk
Arline, Charlie & Will on the main Roman Road loop walk
Mike, Will & Charlie walking through the field on the return loop
Charlie & Mike walking toward the bridge on the return loop
Will, Charlie & Mike on the forest loop walk
Mike - communing with the friendly cows on the forest loop walk
Lucky at Harden Vale in Ancrum
Charlie & Arline in Harden Vale
Will on the hill above Dryburgh Abbey, with Wellington's Monument in the distance
Will & Charlie on the hill above Dryburgh Abbey, self taken and very scary
Johann organising the kitchen at Harden Vale
Will waiting for the bus and reading in Galashiels
Alice & Will - old friends visiting again in Innerleithen
Will & Alice - supper in Innerleithen
Charlie & Alice - visiting as long as possible
Charlie, Will & Arline in Edinburgh
Arline, Mike & Will in the Cafe Royale in Edinburgh
Will with Edinburgh and the castle from Observatory Hill
Will with Edinburgh and the castle from Observatory Hill
Will, Arline & Mike by the Waters of Leith, Edinburgh
Arline in the kitchen of Erica's Flat, Edinburgh
Charlie and a great view of Edinburgh Castle from the roof of the Scottish Museum
Leicester Youth Wind Orchestra on tour at the Royal Museum, playing in front of the Millenium clock
Will, Maureen, Mike & Keith at the Cafe Royale
Clock mechanism removed from St Giles Cathedral in the early 1800s, on display in the Edinburgh Museum
Will in front of Robert Louis Stevenson's house in Edinburgh
Mike & Arline just before breaking up the jigsaw puzzle, meticulously assembled in Erica's Flat

Prague visit - September

Will & Bentz - first night tucking in to the [former] prison hotel room
Bentz & Will checking out the cell door of the [former] prison hotel room
Bentz & Will having lunch by the Jan Hus memorial
Will & Bentz in front of the astronomical clock
Bentz & Will enjoying a couple of tall cool ones in our favourite bistro
Will & Bentz checking out the quite spectacular entrance of the Goethe Institut
Bentz & Will and the wonderful National Theatre building
Will & Bentz and the incredible mosaic of St Vitus cathedral
Will & Bentz - another view of the incredible mosaic of St Vitus cathedral
Bentz & Will with the Charles Bridge in the background
Bentz & Will relaxing on the Vltava after a full day of walking

Gareth arrives - September

Gareth & Will - at Vauxhall, fully loaded down and ready to stay for a while
Gareth & Iestyn - war historians reunited once again
Iestyn, Beryl, Will & Gareth - back in Surbiton
David - packing up his steaming recorder after the interview
Will, Rob, Gareth, Beryl & Iestyn - reading as usual in Surbiton
Rob & Gareth - gardening in Surbiton
Gareth, Will & Rob - at the Eagle
Pat & Will - having a coffee after seeing After Mrs. Rochester
Pat & Will - talking intensely after seeing After Mrs. Rochester
Pat & Will - and an old and new architectural pastiche by Southwark Cathedral
Will & Pat passing by Southwark Cathedral's plaque
Gareth, Pat & Will having supper in our humble abode
Charlie & Christian - in Aura's studio after the training sessions; note the EMS synth
Christian & Charlie - another angle in Aura's studio after the training sessions
Will - and the Henry Moore sculpture in Hampstead Heath
Charlie - and the view of London (including the 'gherkin') from the top of Hampstead Heath
Charlie - and another view of London (including the 'gherkin') from Hampstead Heath
Vidar & John - on one of those rare visits to London/the office
Gareth & Charlie - enthralled by the marvels of Windows
Rob, Will, Steve, Dave, Beryl & Iestyn at the farewell 'family' dinner before heading back to Vancouver

Visit to Assen - October

Will - and the spectacular outlook from the front of Paula & Theo's house
Will, Theo & Paula - at the tasty Italian Restaurant in Groningen
Paula, Theo & Will - lunch in the coach house connected with William & Mary's Dutch residence
Theo, Paula & Will - in the formal gardens behind William & Mary's Dutch country residence
Will, Paula & Theo - on the bridge over the moat in front of William & Mary's Dutch residence
Paula, Will & Theo - finishing up a scrumptious supper at Paula & Theo's house
Theo, Paula & Will - in front of Maya Wildevuur's spectacular galerie/house in the woods

IAAPA and LDI - November

Emily, Jim, Christian, Scott, John & Charlie having a spectacular dinner at Emiril's Tchoup-chop, Royal Pacific Resort, Universal, Orlando
John, Renee, Sierk, Scott, David, Eric, Christian & Alex having dinner at Wolfgang Puck Cafe, Downtown Disney, Orlando
David, Eric, Christian, Alex, Jim, George, Ken, Scott, Sierk & Renee - another angle at Wolfgang Puck Cafe, Downtown Disney, Orlando
John, Troy, Loren, Joanne & Scott having dinner at Houlihan's, International Drive, Orlando
Charlie & John - shadowy figures at the ASC booth, IAAPA, Orlando
Charlie & John - shadowy figures starting to get irate at the lack of flash
Scott & John - exposed at the ASC booth, IAAPA, Orlando
John & Charlie - clowning at the ASC booth, IAAPA, Orlando
Scott & Charlie getting pretty silly in front of the Hulk coloured display
ASC popup and the Aura Show Control booth, IAAPA, Orlando
ASC stand at IAAPA, Orlando
John at the Hess Express, Orlando
John, Jim, George, Jim & Manfred at the Show Control Group dinner, Villa de Flora, Gaylord Palms, Orlando
John, Jim, George, Charlie, Manfred & Joanne at the Show Control Group dinner, Villa de Flora, Gaylord Palms, Orlando
Charlie, Manfred, Joanne & Loren at the Show Control Group dinner, Villa de Flora, Gaylord Palms, Orlando
Manfred, Jim, Joanne, Loren, Toni, Jim & Jim at the Show Control Group dinner, Villa de Flora, Gaylord Palms, Orlando
Christian, Scott, Marc, Jim, Sierk & Renée at the Show Control Group dinner, Villa de Flora, Gaylord Palms, Orlando
John filming Scott riding the Dual Dragon Coaster, UIOA, Orlando

Back in Vancouver - November/December

Mike, Théa, Sheila & Dave at Mike's pre-chemo party
Arline & Donna - that hat!
Mike & Théa sharing a laugh at the party
Arline, Mike, Théa & Mike - at the party
Théa & Will on Christmas Day
Charlie watching the '6 Feet Under' marathon in the basement
Charlie still watching the '6 Feet Under' marathon in the basement
Will making Christmas dinner in the basement
Charlie STILL watching the '6 Feet Under' marathon in the basement
Théa, Devon, Arline, Rhys, Will & Mike at Christmas dinner and enjoying Rhys just having come home from Italy!

New Year's visit to Randy, Susanne & Cole

Randy & Cole playing on the Body Ball
Cole playing with the Body Ball
Susanne & Cole on his new sled in the fresh snow in Fanny Bay
Susanne, Cole & Charlie on his new sled in the fresh snow in front of the house
Susanne, Charlie, Randy & Cole on the walk around Ship's Point
Susanne, Will, Randy, Cole & Charlie on the walk around Ship's Point
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