Richmond Sound Design - Show Control & Virtual Sound Systems - SoundMan-Designer Snapshot Window
Theatre Sound Design, Show Control & Virtual Sound System Software

RSD's SoundMan-Designer Software for SoundMan-Server/AudioBox II - Snapshot Window

Click the camera icon in the input, output, or crosspoint window and the snapshot window appears.

Snapshot Window

This determines what settings are captured as a single snapshot and added to any cue.

The top row selects channels by column. Each column has checkboxes for level, EQ, Mute, Solo, Delay, and Delay value. The 'Use AutoPans' checkbox adds AutoPan values if they are anything but zero.

The left pane is a template viewer and editor. Templates are named, added, removed, or updated and a default is chosen.

Click 'Save Snapshot' to name it and save it to the Snapshots folder in the Show Editor or paste it directly into a cue.

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