Frequently Asked Questions |
Frequently Asked Questions |
The Job of a Sound Designer |
How to Report Bugs Effectively |
MIDI Cable Length |
Fragmentation of Hard Drives |
Recommended PC Hardware for SoundMan-Server |
Setting up Windows Computers for SoundMan-Server |
Recommended PC Hardware for SoundMan-Designer |
Running ABShowMaker & SoundMan on the same Macintosh |
SoundMan-Assistant Show Control Capabilities |
SoundMan Networking |
SoundMan-Assistant Sample Rate |
Recommended PC Hardware for ShowMan & E-Show™ |
Loss of DVI out on server |
Windows Alternatives |
Stage Manager®3000/ShowMan™ Alternatives |
Recommended PC Hardware for older AudioBoxes |
SCSI and the AudioBox 1616HD and AB1616 |
AudioBox AB64, AB1616 & 1616HD Hard Drives |
Why doesn't XYZ work? |
The Question We Didn't Think Of
Frequently Asked Questions |
The Job of a Sound DesignerQ: What the heck does a Sound Designer do anyway? A: This is the most eloquent answer I have yet seen, posted extemporaneously on the stagecraft mailing list by Chris Babbie on April 3, 2008: "The job of the sound designer in theatre is to wrest control over every sound heard by the audience, and to ensure that it is appropriate, and adequate. Should the director choose to use a cap gun in his little play, and wish that it sound like a handgun, my job is clear. Should he wish to use the local children as actors, before they're adequately trained to hit the last row of the balcony, my job is equally clear. Should he wish to pair a doddering old fool with the local opera diva, and wish that the fool's voice match hers in volume, if not quality, I also go to work. I rarely get to address casting. The job of the Sound Designer is to transport and transpose. You should feel the time of day, the year, the location, and the emotion. I train the very air molecules to do my bidding, and to caress the tranducers of your brain, to delude them into thinking that it is possible, for just an hour or two, that faeries do exist; that there is a large sea-going vessel center-center; or that there is a door, and it leads to a dark, damp dungeon; or sometimes, if I'm not very lucky, that there is a loo just upstage of that wall. From nothing but electrons I quell disbelief, and form my own reality. The very ether is my canvas. I create not on the stage, but in your imagination." On a more serious note, here [pdf format] is the job description of a sound designer which Charlie Richmond generated for the Associate Designers of Canada in the early 90s when they were adding this category to their membership. How to Report Bugs EffectivelyQ: I found a software bug. What do I do now? A: This is the best page we have found on this subject: How to Report Bugs Effectively But we have additional request we ask of everyone: PLEASE UPDATE THE SOFTWARE AND FIRMWARE TO THE LATEST VERSION YOU CAN. It is impossible to support or fix bugs in software or firmware that is no longer current, and updating will probably fix the problem anyway! Besides, you might as well do it because we'll just ask you to as soon as you ask us for help.... That said, if the problem persists, please follow the suggestions in the article above, noting everything you can and provide that information to us, preferably in an email. If you call and we don't know an immediate solution, we will ask you to email us full information. MIDI Cable LengthQ: I know the MIDI specification says there is a maximum cable length of 50 feet (15m) but how far will it really go? A: The only perfectly correct answer to this is to try it with the specific equipment and cable you want to use dressed where you want it to be and see if it works. Here are the facts:
The process of MIDI transmission is very similar (despite significant differences) to the transmission process that modems employ - a process which normally works quite well over many kilometres of small gauge unshielded telephone line pairs.
A major difference between the two lies in the fact that modems
use very powerful error detection and correction algorithms which
normally prevent incorrect data from being received.
Some MIDI standards (such as Two-Phase Commit Show Control
commands and File Transfer Protocols) have fail-safe error
detection/correction built in but this is not generally
The most robust MIDI link we know of is our NetMIDI E-Show device which carries MIDI over a network.
Most other devices we have investigated which purport to be a
'long distance MIDI transmission link' actually use a variation
of the EIA RS-422 standard which has a very long but definitely
finite range.
In fact, we know of nothing which is in fact more robust than
simply using well designed MIDI equipment and interconnect
cabling which follows standard procedures for data transmission
Adhering to the above guidelines will result in the most
reliable connection and the longer the run, the more important
they become.
Which is how we get back to the original and only genuine answer: Try it with the specific equipment and cable you want to use dressed where you want it to be and see if it works. One final caveat: if you want to use a 'MIDI powered' device such as the type made by MIDI Solutions, you will have to use a third conductor to carry ground/earth from pin 2 of the MIDI OUT or THRU jack to the device even though ground/earth is not required according to the official MIDI specification. If you only utilize a signal pair to carry MIDI in your installation, then you may have to add a MIDI Solutions Power Adapter at the receiving end of your connection to provide local power for 'MIDI powered' devices, but this is a very good solution to this problem. The MIDI Solutions Power Adapter will probably extend the distance MIDI can be carried over standard cables. Connect one to the MIDI OUT of the sending unit and another one to the MIDI IN of the receiving unit. If this does not extend the distance far enough, connect more at evenly spaced intervals through the length of the run. Fragmentation of Hard DrivesQ: When should I defragment my hard drive? A: It now depends on what type of hard drive you have. When any kind of hard disk (mechanical or solid state) starts filling up there is the possibility of file fragmentation. As the disk gets fuller it starts getting harder for the OS to find places to put the new data, and it can start getting scattered about, especially if there has been a lot of file activity before, adding and removing and replacing files. If the data gets scattered around (or "fragmented") then instead of just reading down the disk to get the next buffer of data, the OS might have to read a little bit here, seek someplace else, read some there, and and on a bad day maybe skip around and do that once or twice more. All that skipping around takes time, which will show up as increased disk usage. Under some really bad (and pretty unlikely) conditions, this might result in having a permanent glitch at some point in the playback in SoundMan-Server. If the data is all in one strip on the disk, you just pick it up one byte after another. If it is scattered all over the disk, then you either have to go seeking all over the disk on a mechanical hard drive or you have to keep constantly reading in page translations tables on an SSD. Both of those are a heck of a lot slower than just reading data in a stripe. On some SSD type things loading the page translation tables can be so slow that they guarantee you a glitch even playing back a standard stereo wave file. We recommend building your show and getting everything you need on the disk. Then if there was any sign of the disk usage getting up to 10% or 20% or so (and certainly if it goes higher, except for momentary bursts, based on the disk usage, buffer busy and processor usage meters in SoundMan-Server) we recommend dumping all the audio data back off to another disk and remove it all from the subject disk, then defragment what was left on the drive. This should pretty much leave one large space for all the data. Then copy the data back in, and with any luck it will lay out fairly linearly, and there won't be a lot of thrashing around to get to the data. By doing this you should be able to use an almost completely full disk. IMPORTANT: We do NOT recommend defragmenting Solid State Hard Drives because that has the potential to seriously reduce their life and MLC drives should NEVER be defragmented. Recommended PC Hardware for SoundMan-ServerQ: What PC do I need to make the most of SoundMan-Server? A: A high performance machine is recommended for SoundMan-Server. SoundMan-Server requires a PC with a processor that has MMX and SSE2 instruction sets. Use an audio interface with proven Windows ASIO drivers. A generic ASIO driver for use with any Windows driver can be obtained from ASIO4ALL EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: A zipped driver file archive must be unzipped into a directory of its own and we recommend you keep all the files there for future reference! DO NOT attempt to install drivers from within the .zip archive display that WinZip and other utilities provide. SoundMan-Server runs in demo mode when no license dongle is plugged in and only requires two ASIO inputs and two ASIO outputs in that configuration. Your computer supplier will need to know that the recommended PC for these is:
We have tested SoundMan-Server with many of the following audio interfaces and have measured the latency of the drivers in some cases:
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you want all analog outputs grouped together as the first set of inputs and outputs on interfaces that have both analog and digital I/O (such as MOTU interfaces), use the ANALOGFIRST option of the CONFIG SET INTERFACE command. RME CONFIGURATION NOTES:
Setting up Windows Computers for SoundMan-ServerQ: How do I optimise Windows for SoundMan? A: Please Follow these step-by-step instructions:
Recommended PC Hardware for SoundMan-DesignerQ: What PC do I need to make the most of SoundMan-Designer on an XP computer when networked with SoundMan-Assistant and SoundMan-Server on a separate Windows computer? A: A high performance machine is recommended for SoundMan-Designer.
NOTE: Installation must be done by an administrator but any user can run the program. Running ABShowMaker & SoundMan on the same MacintoshQ: Can I run ABShowMaker & SoundMan simultaneously on the same computer? A: Yes, this has been done using Parallels 4 on an iMac. Here's how it's done: on the iMac install XP Home Edition, running in Parallels 4. Use ipconfig/all in a command window to get the IP address for the Windows VM, then plug that number into the fixed address box for ABSM. Download SM-S, SM-A & SM-M and install ASIO4All if you don't have any USB audio interfaces since Parallels still doesn't address Firewire connections. Install SM-S, SM-A & SM-M, configure a root drive for audio, and open ABSM on the Mac side of the same machine. ABSM doesn't find SM-A automagically so you have to run the "Connect to AB64 at Fixed IP" and it will connect happily to SM-A. So, with a sufficiently beefy Mac, we think you can run everything on one computer. Audio Interface being the biggest hold-back with an iMac since you are restricted to USB interfaces or ASIO4All using Firewire. The iMac which was used is:
Thanks to Dave Tosti-Lane for doing this testing! SoundMan-Assistant Show Control CapabilitiesQ: How do the show control features of SoundMan-Assistant compare with ShowMan? A: SoundMan-Assistant is designed to run cues from a maximum of eight cue lists simultaneously whereas ShowMan has up to 128 cue lists. ShowMan and SoundMan-Assistant work well together because ShowMan shows can easily control both live and show control functions of SoundMan-Assistant. SoundMan NetworkingQ: How do I set up all versions of SoundMan and ABShowmaker in the same network? A: Set up a Windows 'Home Network' on all computers then make sure there is no firewall or firewall software isolating them plus: NOTE: SoundMan-Designer MUST be run on its own separate computer because it uses Windows XP ONLY. ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Designer, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server works with 10Mb/S, 100Mb/S or 1Gb/S Ethernet but the latter is preferred. Connect the control network to the ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Designer, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server computer's Ethernet Network RJ45 connector. It is recommended that your network use a router that assigns IP addresses via DHCP and that each ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Designer, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server server on the network be set to obtain IP addresses via DHCP. Each ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server computer communicates with multiple devices on the network (including multiple computers running ABShowMaker & SoundMan-Designer separately) automatically by opening as many ports as necessary. If you must set a static IP address on the ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Designer, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server servers (if there is no DHCP server available, for example) you must make sure the ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Designer, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server servers' IP addresses are different from all other devices on the network and the IP address is within the submask range of your computer's IP configuration. You can see the IP configuration by opening a command prompt window, and typing ipconfig then pressing return. It will show something like this:
Ethernet adapter Local Area Connection 5:
The subnet mask is usually which means in this case that the IP address of SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server has to match the first 3 fields of the IP address shown. In this case (for example) that means that the ABShowMaker, SoundMan-Designer, SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server servers' IP addresses must start with 192.168.0.something. If settings are not correct, ABShowMaker & SoundMan-Designer will generate an error message if the IP address of SoundMan-Assistant, SoundMan-Server is not in the proper range that will work on the local network. This message specifies the IP address and that it can't work on the network. Do not use 127.0.0.x as an external address for any computer in the group since that is the "local loopback" address and is synonymous with 'localhost' which is what should be used when programs are talking to each other through internal IP communications. For more details, please refer to the instructions included with your SoundMan-Assistant & SoundMan-Server software. Current information is always available on our web site. Make sure there is no router or firewall between computers and SoundMan in your network. Also, make sure there is no firewall or antivirus (such as AVG) software running on your computers (including the built-in Windows firewall) We do not recommend having your show control network connected directly to the internet. Use a firewall/router to isolate your network from the internet. Each instance of SoundMan-Server or SoundMan-Assistant communicates with multiple control applications on the network (including multiple computers running SoundMan-Designer & ABShowMaker) automatically. If you must run the Windows firewall, then go to Control Panel/Windows Firewall/Exceptions/Add Program and click SoundMan-Server, SoundMan-Assistant and/or SoundMan-Designer. Click 'Change Scope' and select "My network (subnet) only" then click OK. Repeat, choosing SoundMan-Server, SoundMan-Assistant and/or SoundMan-Designer. If a standalone, non-networked computer is used to run all programs concurrently, use the Microsoft virtual network adapter: We recommend configuring the net adapter with a address (static) and a sub mask as and default gateway as Installation instructions are here: Thanks to Carleton Underwood for testing this configuration! SoundMan-Assistant Sample RateQ: Why does SoundMan-Assistant use a 48K sample rate only? A: The short answer is: that's the AES standard. The detailed reason, though, is that there are serious compromises involved in supporting multiple sample rates simultaneously. We must accommodate 48K because it is the standard and SoundMan-Assistant is a professional audio application. SoundMan-Designer automatically resamples files recorded at any other sample rate while the file is being sent to SoundMan-Assistant using the freeware resampling program called Sox, which is the best program we know for doing this. Recommended PC Hardware for ShowMan & E-ShowQ: What PC do I need to run ShowMan & E-Show? A: A high end machine is not necessary for ShowMan & E-Show. Your computer supplier will need to know that the recommended minimum PC is:
Loss of DVI out on serverQ: Why does my server have no DVI output? A: This happens when the unit is booted without the DVI connected.
The fix is to connect a regular VGA style monitor to the VGA connector. In
Windows, the Intel driver should have hot keys enabled. Then boot
SoundMan-Server normally and wait until it seems to be booted up
and no more disk
activity is evident.
MIDI OUT ERROR!Q: Why does this error window (which usually contains the following message: "A device ID has been used that is out of range for your system") appear? A: This error window comes up when you have a Yamaha USB-MIDI interface device driver installed.
We have discovered that the Yamaha USB-MIDI interface device driver which is
used by Yamaha to provide MIDI communication services between a Windows
computer and various Yamaha digital audio consoles creates illegal MIDI device
numbers in Windows which causes this error when MIDI software attempts to
discover MIDI ports.
Windows AlternativesQ: Will ShowMan or SoundMan-Server run on Windows 95, 98, ME, 2000 or Vista? A: Probably, but we don't guarantee that it will work as well. You may certainly use Win95/98/ME/2K to check out the demo version to see if you like it but you should use Windows XP or better to actually run shows since it has superior multitasking, more precise timing and different file handling characteristics. Stage Manager 3000/ShowMan AlternativesQ: Which is better - ShowMan or Stage Manager 3000? A: ShowMan now has a huge number of features that Stage Manager never had. Q: I am used to Stage Manager - is it obsolete? A: Yes! It is no longer being supported and we are now recommending replacement of all Stage Manager systems with ShowMan! Every show that is written for Stage Manager 3000 can be easily imported into ShowMan128 so you can keep using Stage Manager as long as you want and move your shows to ShowMan painlessly at any time. Q: Is ShowMan the successor to Stage Manager? A: Yes. Currently, ShowMan128 will import any Stage Manager 3000 Show. ShowMan and E-Show combined comprise the most powerful live Show Control solution available. Q: How do I transfer Stage Manager shows to ShowMan? A: Here are the detailed instructions from the ShowMan user manual: 3.3.7. IMPORT SHOWClick 'Next' in the Import Existing Show window and a window titled 'Open' appears in which "ShowDefs" is already in the File name field. Select the temporary folder into which an exported show has been exported and confirm that the ShowDefs file is in the chosen folder. Click Open and the 'Imported Show Setup' window appears in which the temporary folder appears as both the Show Name and the Show Directory. Both names may be changed as desired and the directory should be changed to avoid confusion. Click Next and the Show Import Summary window appears with the configuration and directory tree of the ShowMan show which will be created. Confirm that this information is as desired then click Finish and the show will be created and opened. You can also choose "Import Show" in the Show menu to import a Stage Manager®3000 show. This is a special procedure and may require some preparation of the Stage Manager show before transferring to disk or network. An instruction window titled 'Import Existing Show' appears with detailed instructions for importing a show. If an Amiga computer is not networked with the ShowMan computer, the transfer will be more easily accomplished via floppy disk. To put the Stage Manager show on a disk, it must be prepared as a single show drawer and zipped into a single transfer file with an MSDOS-compatible name. The Amiga utility 'Zip' can be obtained from RSD or any www.Aminet.web site. Put both the Zip utility and the show drawer in a temporary location, open the Shell and make that temporary directory the current one by typing its full path name after the prompt. Type the following Shell (CLI) command (suitably altered) to pack the entire show drawer into a .zip file: zip -r "directory" where:
Mount the PC0: or PC1: device by opening the Storage/DOS Drivers drawer in the Workbench and double clicking PC0 or PC1. If these devices are in the Workbench:Devs/DOS Drivers drawer, then they are already mounted. Place an unformatted 720K floppy diskette into the appropriate floppy drive and click once on the disk icon for PC0 or PC1 when i appears. In the icons menu of the Workbench, select 'Format Disk' and confirm that it is a 720K PC disk that will be created. After the disk is formatted, drag the file onto the disk icon. After the file has copied, place the disk in the ShowMan computer and open the floppy disk drive. Unzip the file into a temporary Windows folder on the hard disk. The entire contents of the Stage Manager show drawer will be created and recursed fully into the temporary folder. Click Next in the Import Existing Show window and a window titled 'Open' appears in which "ShowDefs" is already in the File name field. Select the temporary folder into which the show has been unzipped and confirm that the ShowDefs file is in the chosen folder. Click Open and the 'Imported Show Setup' window appears in which the temporary folder appears as both the Show Name and the Show Directory. Both names may be changed as desired and the directory should be changed to avoid confusion. Click Next and the Show Import Summary window appears with the configuration and directory tree of the ShowMan show which will be created. Confirm that this information is as desired then click Finish and the show will be created and opened. Recommended PC Hardware for older AudioBoxesQ: What PC do I need to make the most of my old AudioBox? A: Users of the AB64, 1616HD and AB1616 units should upgrade to SoundMan-Assistant with SoundMan-Designer or ABShowMaker and SoundMan-Server. SCSI and the AudioBox 1616HD and AB1616Q: Why am I having trouble using my computer's SCSI interface? A: SCSI compatibility isn't what it used to be. Users of 1616HD and AB1616 units should upgrade to SoundMan-Assistant with SoundMan-Designer and SoundMan-Server to avoid problems with SCSI which are being caused by the lack of support for SCSI processor devices by Microsoft operating systems. AudioBox AB64, AB1616 & 1616HD Hard DrivesQ: How do I choose Hard Drives for my AudioBox AB64, AB1616 & 1616HD? A: For Model AB64: please consult the AB64 User Manual to calculate your size requirements and installation instructions. Users of 1616HD and AB1616 units should upgrade to SoundMan-Assistant to avoid problems with SCSI which are being caused by the lack of support for SCSI processor devices by Microsoft operating systems. For the model AB64 we recommend the Samsung SpinPoint models PL40 SP0411N (40 GB), P80 SP0612N (60GB), P80 SP0802N (80 GB), P80 SP0812N (80GB), P80 SP1203N (120GB), P80 SP1213N (120GB), P80 SP1604N (160GB) and P80 SP1614N (160GB). These drives are extremely quiet, have a very good warranty and include mounting hardware. All drives must be jumpered for Cable Select and the Master drive connected to the black connector (on the end of the cable). If Samsung drives are not available, similar models MAY be acceptable HOWEVER the maximum drive current the AB64 can supply is 5A at 12V so your disk drives must NOT draw more than 2.4A maximum peak startup current if you install two hard drives in an AB64. For models 1616HD and AB1616 we currently recommend the Seagate ST336607LW (36GB) and ST373307LW (73GB) drives. Units manufactured before May 2002 may require a very minor power supply modification and a 68 to 50 pin SCSI adapter. Jumpers should be placed in position TP1 on J2 of Seagate SCSI drives for proper operation in the AudioBox 1616HD and AB1616. Please contact us for further details if necessary. Why Doesn't XYZ work?Q: What's wrong with this thing?
A: The almost universal answers to this question which can be
asked about virtually anything in the world at one time or
another are:
Still doesn't work? Give us a call or email and we'll try to help! The Question We Didn't Think OfIf you have any questions you want answered, just email or phone us and ask us to post it here so everyone can get the answer! We'll credit you for being the first to ask (no prizes yet... ;-) if we feel it's of general enough interest. (we reserve the sole right to make such determination) Thanks for your interest! |
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