Model IBOX-701 Media Server with SoundMan software
Hundreds of Shows
Thousands of Cue Lists
Hundreds of Thousands of Paths
Millions of Cues
Many Millions of MIDI Messages
It's A Show Controller --- It's A Sound Controller
Model IBOX-701 Rear Panel Layout
Model IBOX-701 Back Panel
Chassis WHD: 220 mm x 102.5 mm x 200 mm (8.66" x 4.04" x 7.87" ) Weight: 4 kg
(8.8 lb)
Model IBOX-701 Front Panel Layout
Model IBOX-701 Front Panel
Model IBOX-701 Show Controller Description
Start with the base model (IBOX-701): A compact, rugged, fanless chassis that
is exceptionally shock & vibration resistant with DC power
input, CPU, & SoundMan-Assistant software then add SoundMan-Server, ShowMan &
E-Show software & industry standard
audio and digital I/O cards from a huge variety of choices, and solid state or
mechanical hard drives. Perfect for themed ride vehicles and all types of
mobile units.
The SoundMan-Assistant onboard cue engine replays massive sound cues
while exporting any MIDI commands in the cues and actuating GPIO contact
closures depending on digital I/O. Eight
independent cue lists with complete MSC timing allow cues
to vary with show timing or human interactivity.
Macintosh software
provides exhaustive programming and control capabilities for any
number of shows. Use any popular MIDI Sequencer to create complex
MIDI compositions, capture them and place them in cues on the
Model IBOX-701 via ABShowMaker.
Windows software
provides exhaustive programming and control capabilities for any
number of shows. Use any popular MIDI Sequencer to create complex
MIDI compositions, capture them and place them in cues on the
Model IBOX-701 via SoundMan-Designer.
The Model IBOX-701 accepts MIDI Show Control
commands from a wide
range of
Human-Machine Interfaces
. Optional GPIO inputs trigger up to 255 cues with random access
Model IBOX-701 Show Controller (SoundMan-Assistant)
NUMBER OF SHOWS: 128 Show Files
NUMBER OF LISTS: 128 Cue Lists per Show
NUMBER OF PATHS: 2048 x 32KB size limit per Show
NUMBER OF CUES: Unlimited within 32KB Path size limit
NUMBER OF MESSAGES: Unlimited within 32KB Path size limit
NUMBER OF OPEN LISTS: Eight simultaneous randomly chosen
CUE SEQUENCE TIMING: Follows List/Stopwatch/MIDI Time Code
LIST CLOCK TIMING: Stopwatch, MIDI Time Code or Real Time Clock
Auto Clock Start On/Off
MIDI Echo On/Off
MIDI Loopback On/Off
Clock Running Flag for each list
Clock type flag for each list
Auto Cue Path Sequencing flag for each list
Open List when Show opens flag
Default Show opens automatically
Clock Zeros/Does not Zero with each cue
Note Off mask for each list
Every Cue is a synchronously timed MIDI sequence just like a
GPIO: dependant on choice of digital I/O cards and E-Show software
CONTROL NETWORK CONNECTION: 10/100Mb/Sec RJ45 ethernet port for transfer of
randomly accessible show files and high speed control and monitoring using up to
four host computers on a single LAN
CONTROL PORTS: dependant on choice of digital I/O cards
POWER INPUT: 100-240VAC 150W maximum (using optional AC power supply) or
14VDC-24VDC @ 3.0A-1.8A
GPIO: dependant on choice of digital I/O cards
COOLING: Fanless.
Certified for extremely high shock & vibration during operation, depending on
choice of solid state hard disk drives and I/O cards. See datasheets for
specific equipment.
Chassis WHD: 220 mm x 102.5 mm x 200 mm (8.66" x 4.04" x 7.87" ) Weight: 4 kg
(8.8 lb)